IES ConcreteBending User's Guide
Line Supports

Line Supports are used in ConcreteBending to restrain the model along a series of nodes that fall on a straight line which is defined by a start coordinate and an end coordinate in the XY-plane.

Support Properties

The thickness of the Line Support can be specified and is used with the length of the Line Support to calculate the punching shear perimeter for the two-way shear design check. The bending and one-way shear checks for a slab supported by a Line Supports are calculated at the face of the Line Support. Therefore, adjusting the thickness of the Line Support will change the location where the bending and one-way shear results are reported for the slab. While a Line Support has a defined thickness, it only provides restraint along a single line of nodes in the FEA model. ConcreteBending only allows deflection in the Z-direction and rotation about the X-axis and Y-axis. Line Supports fix the deflection of the nodes on the line in the Z-direction and fix the rotation of the nodes about a line in the XY-plane perpendicular to the Line Support. The three support options (Pinned, Fixed, and Spring) allow the rotational restraint about the line defined by the Line Support in the XY-plane to be specified.

Analysis Results

The total force in the Z-direction and the total moment about the Line Support is calculated for each load case and reported in ConcreteBending. The slab punching shear results from a Line Support are reported when applicable.