Version 8.0 (January 2025)
Watch the Upgrade Guide Video below to see the new features of ConcreteBending 8.0 in action.
Punching Shear Design Overhaul
- Enhanced punching groups
- Option added to check punching subgroups
- Line Supports can now be included in punching shear groups
- Smarter punching shear group generation
- Smarter punching group/grade beam interaction
- More accurate critical sections for punching shear
- Improved how "d" is calculated
- Accounts for the direction of punching
- Accounts rebar sizes and orientations
- Use correct value based on the specified or optimized design approach
- Critical section now minimizes the punching perimeter (bo)
- More accurate punching shear demand calculation
- All components of the punching free body diagram can now be reported
- Punching Shear design moved to background thread (UI stays responsive while design works)
- Improved graphics performance for punching boundaries
- More accurate beta calculation
New Design Specification Options
- Added option to specify γ for ACI 350-20 & ACI 350-06
- Added option to neglect the size effect factor (i.e. λs=1) for ACI 318-19
New Load Combinations
- IBC 2024 Load Combinations
- NBC 2020 Load Combinations
New Scripting Commands
- Set project criteria (title, billing, notes, etc.)
- Delete loads
- Generate custom load combinations
- Extract results on a per boundary basis
- Set visible result case
- Add graphics to report
- Obtain lists of the service and strength result cases
New Report Features
- Added option to save reports in the project
- Added option to save reports as a style
- Reorganized report project manager
Upgrade Guide Video
ConcreteBending 8.0 introduces several new features, including enhanced punching shear and group punching shear design. It also includes updates to existing design specifications, such as options for neglecting size effects and overriding gamma, along with new load combinations and improved reports. Learn more about these updates in this video.
Additional training videos can be found on the Training Videos page.