Command | Description | Example Input | Example Result | |
Clear | Clears all text in the command line and clears any stored variables | |||
Browse | Launches the Open dialog box to navigate to an external script to run | |||
Up/Down Arrows | Use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" keys to navigate the command line history | |||
Esc | Press the "Esc" key while a script is running to end the script run | |||
Help() | Launches the Help File and navigates to the script overview page | |||
Help(command) | Launches the Help File and navigates to the specified command | Help("AddDatabaseShape") | Launches the Help File and navigates to the AddDatabaseShape command | |
SetUnits(style) | Sets the unit style to a default or custom style in the program | SetUnits("Canadian") | Sets the programs unit style to Canadian | |
GenerateDimensions() | Creates typical dimensions for overall height and width and distances to the centroid | |||
ZoomExtents() | Zooms to fit the entire cross-section in the window | |||
Print(List<names>) | Prints the list of items in a comma-delimited format | Print(Shapes()) | Prints the list of shapes in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
List(List<names>) | Lists the list of items with one item per line | List(Shapes()) | Lists the list of shapes with one item per line | |
SaveAs(path) | Saves the ShapeBuilder file to a specified path | SaveAs("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/ShapeFile.sbp") | Saves the current ShapeBuilder file to the desktop as ShapeFile.sbp | |
PickMaterial() | Opens the Material Database dialog box | SetMaterial("S1", PickMaterial()) | Opens the Material Database dialog box to define a material for shape S1 | |
PickDatabaseSection() | Opens the Shape Database dialog box | AddDatabaseShape(PickDatabaseSection()) | Opens the Shape Database dialog box to define a database section to be added to the model | |
GetCADFiles(folder) | Returns a list of CAD files in a specified folder | List(GetCADFiles("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/CADFolder")) | Prints a list of the cad files located in CADFolder on the desktop | |
ImportCAD(path) | Imports the CAD file located at the specified path | ImportCAD("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/CadDrawing.dxf") | Imports the CadDrawing.dxf file from the desktop | |
ImportCAD(path, material) | Imports the CAD file located at the specified path with the specified material | ImportCAD("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/CadDrawing.dxf", "ASTM A36") | Imports the CadDrawing.dxf file from the desktop and sets the material to ASTM A36 | |
ImportCAD(path, material, layer) | Imports the specified layers from the CAD file located at the specified path with the specified material | ImportCAD("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/CadDrawing.dxf", "ASTM A36", "Layer1") | Imports Layer1 from the CadDrawing.dxf file from the desktop and sets the material to ASTM A36 | |
ImportCAD(path, multiplier, arcDivisions, material, layer) | Imports the specified layers from the CAD file located at the specified path with the specified material | ImportCAD("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/CadDrawing.dxf", 2, 10, "ASTM A36", "Layer1") | Imports Layer1 (scaled by a factor of two) from the CadDrawing.dxf file from the desktop and sets the material to ASTM A36. Ten line segments will be used to approximate arc and circle shapes. | |
Shapes() | Returns a list of all the shapes in the project | Print(Shapes()) | Prints the list of all the shapes in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddShape(List, List) | Adds a shape to the model based on lists of the X and Y coordinates | AddShape(new List<double>() {0 , 1 , 0}, new List<double>() {0 , 0 , 1}) | Adds a triangle to the model with points at {0, 0}, {1, 0}, and {0, 1} | |
AddDatabaseShape(name) | Adds a database shape to the model | AddDatabaseShape("L5x5x1/2") | Adds a L5x5x1/2 to the model | |
AddAngle(verticalLeg, horizontalLeg, thickness) | Adds a parametric angle to the model | AddAngle(5, 5, 0.5) | Adds a L5x5x1/2 angle to the model | |
AddChannel(depth, width, tf, tw) | Adds a parametric channel to the model | AddChannel(10, 3, 0.5, 0.25) | Adds a 10 in deep by 3 inch wide channel to the model | |
AddCircle(diameter) | Adds a parametric circle to the model | AddCircle(6) | Adds a 6 in diameter circle to the model | |
AddDoubleAngle(depth, totalWidth, thickness, spacing) | Adds a parametric double angle to the model | AddDoubleAngle(5, 10, 0.5, 0) | Adds a 2L5x5x1/2 double to the model | |
AddFillet(radius) | Adds a parametric fillet to the model | AddFillet(0.75) | Adds a 0.75 in radius fillet to the model | |
AddHat(depth, width, lip, thickness) | Adds a parametric hat to the model | AddHat(5, 2, 1, 0.25) | Adds a 5 in deep by 2 in wide hat section to the model | |
AddI(depth, width, tf, tw) | Adds a parametric I-shape to the model | AddI(10, 5, 0.75, 0.5) | Adds a 10 in deep by 5 in wide hat section to the model | |
AddIsoscelesTriangle(depth, width) | Adds a parametric isosceles triangle to the model | AddIsoscelesTriangle(4, 3) | Adds a 4 in deep by 3 in wide isosceles triangle to the model | |
AddPipe(outsideDiameter, insideDiameter) | Adds a parametric pipe to the model | AddPipe(12, 11.5) | Adds a 12 in outside diameter by 11.5 in inside diameter pipe to the model | |
AddPipeSection(radius, thickness, alpha) | Adds a parametric pipe section to the model | AddPipeSection(6, 0.25, 90) | Adds a 90 degree pipe sector with a radius of 6 in and thickness of 0.25 in to the model | |
AddQuarterCircle(radius) | Adds a parametric quarter circle to the model | AddQuarterCircle(3) | Adds a quarter circle with a 3 in radius to the model | |
AddRectangle(depth, width) | Adds a parametric rectangle to the model | AddRectangle(6, 3) | Adds a 6 in deep by 3 in wide rectangle to the model | |
AddRectangularTube(depth, width, thickness) | Adds a parametric rectangular tube to the model | AddRectangularTube(6, 3, 0.25) | Adds a 6 in deep by 3 in wide rectangular tube of thickness 0.25 in to the model | |
AddRegularPolygon(numberSides, sideLength) | Adds a parametric regular polygon to the model | AddRegularPolygon(8, 2) | Adds an octagon with 2 in sides to the model | |
AddRightTriangle(depth, width) | Adds a parametric right triangle to the model | AddRightTriangle(4, 2) | Adds a 4 in deep by 2 in wide right triangle to the model | |
AddSpandrel(depth, width, stemThickness, flangeThickness) | Adds a parametric spandrel to the model | AddSpandrel(12, 24, 18, 4) | Adds a 12 in deep by 24 in wide spandrel to the model | |
AddTaperedTee(depth, width, tf, twt, twb) | Adds a parametric tapered tee to the model | AddTaperedTee(8, 6, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5) | Adds a 8 in deep by 6 in wide tapered tee to the model | |
AddTee(depth, width, tf, tw) | Adds a parametric tee to the model | AddTee(8, 6, 0.75, 0.5) | Adds a 8 in deep by 6 in wide tee to the model | |
AddTrapezoid(depth, baseWidth, leftOffset, rightOffset) | Adds a parametric trapezoid to the model | AddTrapezoid(6, 4, 2, 1) | Adds a 6 in deep by 4 in wide trapezoid to the model | |
AddZee(depth, width, tf, tw) | Adds a parametric zee to the model | AddZee(6, 3, 0.75, 0.5) | Adds a 6 in deep by 3 in wide zee to the model | |
AddRolledAngle(depth, width, thickness, centerFillet, edgeFillet) | Adds a parametric rolled angle to the model | AddRolledAngle(6, 4, 0.375, 0.5, 0.25) | Adds a 6 in deep by 4 in wide rolled angle to the model | |
AddRolledChannel(depth, width, tw, tf1, tf2, centerFillet, edgeFillet) | Adds a parametric rolled channel to the model | AddRolledChannel(16, 4, 0.75, 0.70, 0.5, 0.65, 0.375) | Adds a 16 in deep by 4 in wide rolled channel to the model | |
AddRolledDoubleAngle(depth, width, thickness, centerFillet, edgeFillet, spacing) | Adds a parametric rolled double angle to the model | AddRolledDoubleAngle(6, 12, 0.375, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75) | Adds a 6 in deep by 12 inch wide rolled double angle to the model | |
AddRolledI(depth, width, web, flangeCenter, flangeEdge, centerFilletRadius, edgeFilletRadius) | Adds a parametric rolled I-shape to the model | AddRolledI(12, 6, 0.25, 0.75, 0.625, 0.5, 0.25) | Adds a 12 in deep by 6 in wide rolled I-shape to the model | |
AddRolledRectangle(depth, width, radius) | Adds a parametric rolled rectangle to the model | AddRolledRectangle(10, 5, 1) | Adds a 10 in deep by 5 in wide rolled rectangle to the model | |
AddRolledTee(depth, width, topWebThickness, bottomWebThickness, flangeCenterThickness, flangeEdgeThickness, centerFillet, flangeFillet, webFillet) | Adds a parametric rolled tee to the model | AddRolledTee(8, 6, 0.375, 0.25, 0.625, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625) | Adds a 8 in deep by 6 in wide rolled tee to the model | |
AddRolledTube(depth, width, thickness, insideFillet, outsideFillet) | Adds a parametric rolled tube to the model | AddRolledTube(8, 4, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5) | Adds a 8 in deep by 4 in wide rolled tube to the model | |
AddRolledZee(depth, width, tf, tw, edgeFillet, centerFillet) | Adds a parametric rolled zee to the model | AddRolledZee(6, 4, 0.375, 0.25, 0.125, 0.375) | Adds a 6 in deep by 4 in wide rolled zee to the model | |
AddBentAngle(verticalLeg, horizontalLeg, thickness, insideRadius) | Adds a parametric bent angle to the model | AddBentAngle(6, 4, 0.25, 0.125) | Adds a 6 in deep by 4 in wide bent angle to the model | |
AddBentAngleLips(verticalLeg, horizontalLeg, thickness, insideRadius, lip) | Adds a parametric bent angle w/ lips to the model | AddBentAngleLips(6, 4, 0.25, 0.125, 1) | Adds a 6 in deep by 4 in wide bent angle with 1 in lips to the model | |
AddBentChannel(depth, width, thickness, insideRadius) | Adds a parametric bent channel to the model | AddBentChannel(8, 4, 0.25, 0.25) | Adds a 8 in deep by 4 in wide bent channel to the model | |
AddBentChannelLips(depth, width, thickness, insideRadius, lip) | Adds a parametric bent channel w/ lips to the model | AddBentChannelLips(8, 4, 0.25, 0.25, 0.75) | Adds a 8 in deep by 4 in wide bent channel with 0.75 in long lips to the model | |
AddBentEaveStrut(depth, topWidth, bottomWidth, thickness, insideRadius, lip, topFlangeAngle, bottomFlangeAngle, isLipParallelToWeb) | Adds a parametric bent eave strut to the model | AddBentEaveStrut(8, 4, 4, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 75, 90, true) | Adds a 8 in deep by 4 in wide bent eave strut to the model | |
AddBentHat(depth, width, opening, thickness, radius) | Adds a parametric bent hat to the model | AddBentHat(6, 2, 3, 0.25, 0.25) | Adds a 6 in deep by 2 in wide bent hat to the model | |
AddBentZee(depth, width, thickness, radius) | Adds a parametric bent zee to the model | AddBentZee(8, 4, 0.25, 0.25) | Adds a 8 in deep by 4 in wide bent zee to the model | |
AddBentZeeLips(depth, width, thickness, radius, lip, lipAngle) | Adds a parametric bent zee w/ lips to the model | AddBentZeeLips(8, 6, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 15) | Adds a 8 in deep by 6 in wide bent zee with 0.5 in lips to the model | |
Select(names[]) | Selects a specified item(s) in the model | Select("S1", "S2") | Selects shapes S1 and S2 in the model | |
SelectAllShapes() | Selects all of the shapes in the model | |||
UnselectAll() | Unselects everything in the model | |||
DeleteSelected() | Deletes the selected shape(s) in the model | Select shapes S1 and S2 then enter DeleteSelected() | Deletes shapes S1 and S2 in the model | |
Delete(names[]) | Deletes a specified shape(s) in the model | Delete("S1", "S2") | Deletes shapes S1 and S2 in the model | |
ZeroCentroid() | Locates the cross-section's center-of-gravity (cg) at the global origin | |||
MovePointTo(X, Y) | Moves a point that defines a generic section part to modify the shape's boundary | Select a point of a generic section then enter MovePointTo(5, 10) | Moves the selected point to (5, 10) | |
MoveBy(shape, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves a specified shape by a specified distance in each global direction | MoveBy("S1", 5, 10) | Moves shape S1 by 5 inches and 10 inches in the global X and Y-directions, respectively | |
MoveTo(shape, X, Y) | Moves a specified shape to a defined location | MoveTo("S1", 0, 0) | Moves shape S1 to the origin | |
RotateBy(shape, distanceX, distanceY) | Rotates a specified shape by a specified amount about its centroid (CCW is +) | RotateBy("S1", 15) | Rotates shape S1 by 15 degrees CCW | |
RotateTo(shape, X, Y) | Rotates a specified shape to a specified angle amount about its centroid (CCW is +) | RotateTo("S1", -15) | Rotates shape S1 to 15 degrees CW | |
RotateToHorizontal() | Rotates selected (or all) shapes to align two selected points with the X axis | |||
RotateToVertical() | Rotates selected (or all) shapes to align two selected points with the Y axis | |||
SetMaterial(shape, material) | Sets the material for a specified shape in the model | SetMaterial("S1", "ASTM A36") | Sets the material for shape S1 to ASTM A36 steel | |
SetBaseMaterial(material) | Sets the base material in the model | SetBaseMaterial("ASTM A992 Grade 50") | Sets the base material in the model to ASTM A992 Grade 50 steel | |
ToggleHole(shape) | Toggles the hole parameter for a specified shape in the model | ToggleHole("S1") | Sets shape S1 as a hole in the model | |
ApplyCentroidLoad(p, va, vb, ma, mb, t) | Applies specified load(s) to the shape's centroid where the primary axis is parallel to the global X-axis and the secondary axis is parallel to the global Y-axis | ApplyCentroidLoad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Applies 1 kip tension, 2 kips shear along primary axis, 3 kips shear along secondary axis, 4 kips-in moment about primary axis, 5 kip-in moment about secondary axis, and 6 kip-in torsional moment to the section (assuming the Unit Style is Kip & Inches). | |
ApplyShearCenterLoad(p, va, vb, ma, mb, t) | Applies specified load(s) to the shape's shear center where the primary axis is parallel to the global X-axis and the secondary axis is parallel to the global Y-axis | ApplyShearCenterLoad(-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Applies 1 kip compression, 2 kips shear along primary axis, 3 kips shear along secondary axis, 4 kips-in moment about primary axis, 5 kip-in moment about secondary axis, and 6 kip-in torsional moment to the section (assuming Unit Styles are Kip & Inches) | |
ApplyPrincipalLoad(p, va, vb, ma, mb, t) | Applies specified load(s) to the shape's centroid where the primary axis is the shape's major principal axis and the secondary axis is the shape's minor principal axis | ApplyPrincipalLoad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Applies 1 kip tension, 2 kips shear along primary axis, 3 kips shear along secondary axis, 4 kips-in moment about primary axis, 5 kip-in moment about secondary axis, and 6 kip-in torsional moment to the section (assuming the Unit Style is Kip & Inches). | |
ApplyGlobalLoad(p, va, vb, ma, mb, t) | Applies specified load(s) at the global origin where the primary axis is the global X-axis and the secondary axis is the global Y-axis | ApplyGlobalLoad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | Applies 1 kip tension, 2 kips shear along primary axis, 3 kips shear along secondary axis, 4 kips-in moment about primary axis, 5 kip-in moment about secondary axis, and 6 kip-in torsional moment to the section (assuming Unit Styles are Kip & Inches) | |
ApplyCustomLoad(p, va, vb, ma, mb, t, x, y, angle) | Applies specified load(s) to a specified location with the primary axis and secondary axis rotated a specified amount | ApplyCustomLoad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 45) | Applies 1 kip tension, 2 kips shear along primary axis, 3 kips shear along secondary axis, 4 kips-in moment about primary axis, 5 kip-in moment about secondary axis, and 6 kip-in torsional moment to the section at {10 in, 20 in} where the primary and secondary axes are rotated 45 degrees ccw (assuming Unit Styles are Kip & Inches & Degrees) | |
SimpleAnalysis() | Pauses the script until the simple analysis completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" | await SimpleAnalysis(); | Pauses the external script until the simple analysis completes | |
AdvancedAnalysis() | Pauses the script until the advanced analysis completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" | await AdvancedAnalysis(); | Pauses the external script until the advanced analysis completes | |
SetMesh(ratio) | Sets the finite element mesh size. Note: The mesh refinement is exponential where 0 = coarse and 10 = fine. | SetMesh(0) | Sets the mesh refinement to coarse | |
GetSectionProperty(property) | Returns a specified section property | GetSectionProperty("Ix") | Returns the moment of inertia bout the centroidal X-axis | |
GetPartProperty(part, property) | Returns a specified section property for a specified part | GetSectionProperty("Angle", "Area") | Returns the area for the angle section part | |
Nodes() | Returns the number of meshed nodes in the model | |||
Elements() | Returns the number of meshed elements for the shape | |||
NormalStress(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum normal stress | NormalStress(false) | Returns the shape's minimum normal stress | |
StVenantXZ(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum St. Venant τxz stress | StVenantXZ(true) | Returns the shape's maximum St. Venant τxz stress | |
StVenantYZ(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum St. Venant τyz stress | StVenantYZ(false) | Returns the shape's minimum St. Venant τyz stress | |
FlexuralShearXZ(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum flexural τxz shear stress | FlexuralShearXZ(true) | Returns the shape's maximum flexural τxz shear stress | |
FlexuralShearYZ(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum flexural τyz shear stress | FlexuralShearYZ(false) | Returns the shape's minimum flexural τyz shear stress | |
CombinedShearXZ(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum combined St. Venant τxz and flexural τxz shear stress | CombinedShearXZ(true) | Returns the shape's maximum combined St. Venant τxz and flexural τxz shear stress | |
CombinedShearYZ(isMax) | (isMax)Returns the shape's maximum or minimum combined St. Venant τyz and flexural τyz shear stress | CombinedShearYZ(false) | Returns the shape's minimum combined St. Venant τyz and flexural τyz shear stress | |
ResultantShear(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum resultant shear stress | ResultantShear(true) | Returns the shape's maximum resultant shear stress | |
WarpingFunction(isMax) | Returns the shape's maximum or minimum warping function value | WarpingFunction(true) | Returns the shape's maximum warping function value | |
PrintResults() | Prints the calculated property results in the command line | |||
ExportResults() | Exports the calculated property results to a tab-delimited text file | |||
ExportResults(path) | Exports the calculated property results to a tab-delimited text file at a specified path | ExportResults("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/Results.txt") | Exports the calculated property results to the Results.txt file on the Desktop | |
AppendResults(path) | Appends the results to the text file at a specified path | AppendResults("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/SectionProperties.txt") | Appends the results to the SectionProperties.txt file on the Desktop | |
AddTable(title) | Adds a specified table to the report | AddTable("Geometric Properties") | Adds the Geometric Properties table to the report | |
ExportReport(path) | Exports the results to a specified path | ExportReport("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/Report.pdf") | Saves the report as a .pdf on the desktop for the specified user |
Note: The examples in the table above assume the unit style is "Kips & Inches".