IES VisualAnalysis User's Guide
IES VAConnect

Requires: IES VAConnect
Requires: Advanced Level

VAConnect consists of two stand-alone utilities for connection design, currently just steel connections per AISC. These programs can be launched from within VisualAnalysis. Integration with VAConnect can save a tremendous amount of time because it exports forces from many load cases and multiple joints, saving you all the bookkeeping. In VAConnect, there is a steel base plate component with anchorage calculations, and a beam-to-column shear-tab component.

How to Use IES VAConnect

  1. Turn on the Auto-Connections option in the Project settings. You may customize these.
  2. Define Result Type in project settings: VAConnect can use service case results or "pre-factored" results.
  3. Go to Load Case Manager and turn on the analysis for all necessary load cases (they may not be enabled for service cases). 
  4. Use the Filter the Design View you show connection icons, click on the connection to view properties and access VAConnect.

Connection Shapes & Geometry Limitations

General Requirements

Base Plate Requirements

Shear Tab Requirements



If you have problems launching VAConnect from within VisualAnalysis, check the following:

  1. Uninstall any older versions of VAConnect (2.0 or 1.0) and VisualAnalysis (prior to 12.0), from Control Panel
  2. Check the "File Associations" on one of the example Base Plate and/or Shear Tab projects that ship with VAConnect
  3. Re-install the latest versions of VisualAnalysis and then VAConnect