Command |
Description |
Example Input |
Example Result |
User Interface
Clear |
Clears all text in the command line and clears any stored variables |
Browse |
Launches the Open dialog box to navigate to an external script to run |
Up/Down Arrows |
Use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" keys to navigate the command line history |
Esc |
Press the "Esc" key while a script is running to end the script run |
Help() |
Launches the Help File and navigates to the command line overview page |
Help(command) |
Launches the Help File and navigates to the specified command |
Help("AddNode") |
Launches the Help File and navigates to the AddNode command |
SetUnits(style) |
Sets the unit style to a default or custom style in the program |
SetUnits("Canadian") |
Sets the programs unit style to Canadian |
SetDisplayPrecision(DecimalPlaces) |
Sets the number of decimal places displayed |
SetDisplayPrecision(4) |
Sets the precision to 4 decimal places |
Select(names[]) |
Selects a specified item(s) (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model |
Select("Bm1", "N1", "V1") |
Selects element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model |
Delete() |
Deletes the selected model object(s) and/or load(s) |
Select element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 then enter Delete() |
Deletes element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model |
Delete(names[]) |
Deletes a specified item(s) (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model |
Delete("Bm1", "N1", "V1") |
Deletes element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model |
DeleteAll() |
Deletes everything in the model |
Zoom(name) |
Zooms to a specified item (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model |
Zoom("N1") |
Zooms into node N1 in the model |
Print(List<names>) |
Prints the list of items in a comma-delimited format |
Print(Nodes()) |
Prints the list of nodes in the project in a comma-delimited format |
List(List<names>) |
Lists the list of items with one item per line |
List(Members()) |
Lists the list of members with one item per line |
MoveTo(nodeOrVert, X, Y, Z) |
Moves a specified node or vertex to a defined location |
MoveTo("N1", 0, 0, 0) |
Moves node N1 to the origin |
MoveBy(nodeOrVert, distanceX, distanceY, distanceZ) |
Moves a specified node or vertex by a specified distance in each global direction |
MoveBy("V1", 5, 10, 15) |
Moves vertex V1 by 5, 10, and 15 in the global X, Y, and Z-directions, respectively |
X(nodeOrVert) |
Returns the global X-coordinate of the specified node or vertex |
X("N1") |
Returns the global X-coordinate of node N1 |
Y(nodeOrVert) |
Returns the global Y-coordinate of the specified node or vertex |
Y("V1") |
Returns the global Y-coordinate of vertex V1 |
Z(nodeOrVert) |
Returns the global Z-coordinate of the specified node or vertex |
Z("V2") |
Returns the global Z-coordinate of vertex V2 |
PickMaterial() |
Opens the Material Database dialog box |
AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", PickMaterial(), 0.5, false) |
Opens the Material Database dialog box to define a material for plate P1 that is created between nodes N1, N2, and N3. |
PickDatabaseSection() |
Opens the Shape Database dialog box |
AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", PickDatabaseSection(), "ASTM A36") |
Opens the Shape Database dialog box to define a database section for member Bm1 that is created between nodes N1 and N2 |
PickParametricSection() |
Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box |
AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", PickParametricSection(), "Concrete (F'c = 4 ksi)") |
Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box to define a parametric section for member Bm1 that is created between nodes N1 and N2 |
Analysis() |
Pauses the script until the analysis completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" |
await Analysis(); |
Pauses the external script until the analysis completes |
SetTitle() |
Sets the Title for the project |
SetTitle("Moment Frame Design") |
Sets the Title for the project to "Moment Frame Design" |
SetBillingReference() |
Sets the Billing Reference for the project |
SetBillingReference("ABC Architects") |
Sets the Billing Reference for the project to "ABC Architects" |
SetProjectNotes() |
Adds a project note |
SetProjectNotes("Analysis & design complete.") |
Adds note "Analysis & design complete." to the project. |
SetNodalTolerance() |
Sets the Nodal Tolerance |
SetNodalTolerance(0.075) |
Sets the Nodal Tolerance to 0.075 |
Nodes() |
Returns a list of all the nodes in the project |
Print(Nodes()) |
Prints the list of all the nodes in the project in a comma-delimited format |
Node(member, start) |
Returns the start or end node associated with the specified member |
var node = Node("Bm1", false); |
Sets variable 'node' equal to the end node of Bm1 |
Node(plate, index) |
Returns the node associated with the specified plate and index |
var node = Node("P1", 2); |
Sets variable 'node' equal to the node 2 of plate P1 |
AddNode(X, Y) |
Adds a default named node to the xy plane |
AddNode(1, 2) |
Creates a node with a default name at location {1, 2, 0} in the model |
AddNode(X, Y, Z) |
Adds a default named node to the model |
AddNode(1, 2, 3) |
Creates a node with a default name at location {1, 2, 3} in the model |
AddNode(name, X, Y, Z) |
Adds a named node to the model |
AddNode("N1", 1, 2, 3) |
Creates a node named "N1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model |
AddNode(name, X, Y, Z, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) |
Adds a named node with specified support conditions to the model |
AddNode("N1", 1, 2, 3, true, true, true, false, false, false) |
Creates a node named "N1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model with supports DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free |
Pin(node) |
Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to pinned |
Pin("N1") |
Sets node "N1" supports to DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free |
Fix(node) |
Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to fixed |
Fix("N2") |
Sets node "N2" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = RY = RZ = Fixed |
Free(node) |
Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to free |
Free("N3") |
Sets node "N3" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = RY = RZ = Free |
Support(name, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) |
Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to the specified condition |
Support("N1", true, true, true, true, false, false) |
Sets node "N1" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = Fixed and RY = RZ = Free |
Members() |
Returns a list of all the members in the project |
Print(Members()) |
Prints the list of all the members in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddMember() |
Adds a default named member between two selected nodes |
Select nodes N1 and N2 then enter AddMember() |
Creates a member with a default name between nodes N1 and N2 |
AddMember(node1, node2) |
Adds a default named member between two specified nodes |
AddMember("N1", "N2") |
Creates a member with a default name between nodes N1 and N2 |
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material) |
Adds a named member between two points with a specified section and material |
AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36") |
Creates member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material |
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material, connectCrossing, betaAngle, action) |
Adds a named member between two points with the section, material, connect crossings, beta angle, and action specified |
AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36", false, 15, "Tension only") |
Creates tension only member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material with a beta angle of 15 |
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material, connectCrossing, betaAngle, action, [Fx1, Fy1, Fz1, Mx1, My1, Mz1], [Fx2, Fy2, Fz2, Mx2, My2, Mz2]) |
Adds a named member between two points with the section, material, connect crossings, beta angle, and action specified along with the end releases |
AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36", true, 15, "Normal (2-way)", new bool[] {false, false, false, false, true, true}, new bool[] {false, false, false, false, false, false}) |
Creates normal two-way member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material. Connect crossings is enabled, the member has a beta angle of 15, and the member has a simple-rigid connection type (i.e. My1 = Mz1 = Released while all other releases are Rigid) |
RigidConnect(member) |
Sets the member connections to rigid |
RigidConnect("Bm1") |
Sets Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = My1 = Mz1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = My2 = Mz2 = Rigid for Bm1 |
SimpleConnect(member) |
Sets the member connections to simple |
SimpleConnect("Bm1") |
Sets My1 = Mz1 = My2 = Mz2 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = Rigid for Bm1 |
SimpleRigid(member) |
Sets the member connections to simple-rigid |
SimpleRigid("Bm1") |
Sets My1 = Mz1 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = My2 = Mz2 = Rigid for Bm1 |
RigidSimple(member) |
Sets the member connections to rigid-simple |
RigidSimple("Bm1") |
Sets My2 = Mz2 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = My1 = Mz1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = Rigid for Bm1 |
Plates() |
Returns a list of all the plates in the project |
Print(Plates()) |
Prints the list of all the plates in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddPlate() |
Adds a default named plate between three or four selected nodes |
Select nodes N1, N2, and N3 then enter AddPlate() |
Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, and N3 |
AddPlate(node1, node2, node3) |
Adds a default named plate between three specified nodes |
AddPlate("N1", "N2", "N3") |
Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, and N3 |
AddPlate(node1, node2, node3, node4) |
Adds a default named plate between four specified nodes |
AddPlate("N1", "N2", "N3", "N4") |
Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, N3, and N4 |
AddPlate(name, node1, node2, node3, material, thickness, membraneOnly) |
Adds a named plate between three specified nodes with the thickness, material, and membrane-only option defined |
AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", "ASTM A36", 0.5, true) |
Creates a named plate between nodes N1, N2, and N3 with a ASTM A36 material, thickness of 0.5 that is membrane only |
AddPlate(name, node1, node2, node3, node4, material, thickness, membraneOnly) |
Adds a named plate between four specified nodes with the thickness, material, and membrane-only option defined |
AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", "N4", "Concrete (F'c = 4 ksi)", 9, false) |
Creates a named plate between nodes N1, N2, N3, and N4 with concrete material, thickness of 9 that is not membrane only |
Springs() |
Returns a list of all the springs in the project |
Print(Plates()) |
Prints the list of all the springs in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddSpring(node, k, X, Y, Z, isRotational, action) |
Adds a default named spring support to a node in the model |
AddSpring("N1", 100, 0, -1, 0, false, "Compression Only") |
Adds a compression only displacement spring with a default name and a stiffness of 100 to node N1 in the global -Y direction |
AddSpring(name, node, k, X, Y, Z, isRotational, action) |
Adds a named spring support to a node in the model |
AddSpring("RS1", "N1", 50, 1, 0, 0, true, "Normal (2-way)") |
Adds rotational spring RS1 with a stiffness of 50 to node N1 in the global +X direction |
Vertices() |
Returns a list of all the vertices in the project |
Print(Vertices()) |
Prints the list of all the vertices in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddVertex(X, Y) |
Adds a default named vertex to the xy plane |
AddVertex(1, 2) |
Creates a vertex with a default name at location {1, 2, 0} in the model |
AddVertex(X, Y, Z) |
Adds a default named vertex to the model |
AddVertex(1, 2, 3) |
Creates a vertex with a default name at location {1, 2, 3} in the model |
AddVertex(name, X, Y, Z) |
Adds a named vertex to the model |
AddVertex("V1", 1, 2, 3) |
Creates a vertex named "V1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model |
Areas() |
Returns a list of all the areas in the project |
Print(Areas()) |
Prints the list of all the areas in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddArea() |
Adds a default named area defined by the selected vertices and/or nodes |
Select vertices "V1" and "V2" and nodes "N1" and "N2" then enter AddArea() |
Adds a default named area defined by vertices V1, and V2, and nodes N1, and N2 |
AddArea(verticesNodes[]) |
Adds a default named area defined by the specified vertices and/or nodes |
AddArea("V1","V2","N1","N2") |
Adds a default named area defined by vertices V1, and V2, and nodes N1, and N2 |
AddHole() |
Adds a default named hole defined by the selected vertices and/or nodes |
Select vertex "V3", node "N3", and vertex "V4" then enter AddHole() |
Adds a default named hole defined by vertex V3, node N3, and vertex V4 |
AddHole(verticesNodes[]) |
Adds a default named hole defined by the specified vertices and/or nodes |
AddHole("V3","N3","V4") |
Adds a default named hole defined by vertex V3, node N3, and vertex V4 |
ToggleMesh(string name) |
Enables or disables the 'Generate Plates' parameter for areas |
ToggleMesh("A1") |
Toggles the 'Generate Plates' parameter to Yes or No for area A1 |
Mesh(name, thickness, material, elementArea) |
Sets the thickness, material properties, and mesh element area for the specified area |
Mesh("A1", 0.5, "ASTM A36", 200) |
Sets the thickness to 0.5, the material to ASTM A36, and mesh element area to 200 for area A1. |
Area Sides
AreaSides() |
Returns a list of all the area sides in the project |
Print(AreaSides()) |
Prints the list of all the area sides in the project in a comma-delimited format |
FindSide(X, Y, Z) |
Returns the area side associated with the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates |
FindSide(5, 10, 0) |
Returns the area side on which point X=5, Y=10, and Z=0 lies |
SupportSide(side, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) |
Sets the defined support conditions for the specified area side |
SupportSide("Side001", true, true, true, false, false, false) |
Sets the support for area side Side001 to pinned (i.e. DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free) |
Service Case
ServiceCases() |
Returns a list of all the service cases in the project |
Print(ServiceCases()) |
Prints the list of all the service cases in the project in a comma-delimited format |
AddServiceCase(name, source) |
Adds a service case to the project with a specified load source |
AddServiceCase("Unbalanced Snow", "Snow") |
Adds the 'Unbalanced Snow' service case with a Snow load source to the project |
AddServiceCase(name, source, includeInAnalysis, includeInCombos, pattern) |
Adds a service case to the project with the load source, include in analysis, include in building code combination, and pattern identification specified |
AddServiceCase("Unbalanced Snow", "Snow", true, true, 2) |
Adds the 'Unbalanced Snow' service case with a Snow load source to the project that is included in the analysis and included in the building code combinations with a pattern identification of 2 |
VerticalSelfWeight(name) |
Includes the self weight in the specified service case |
VerticalSelfWeight("Dead") |
Included the self weight in the Dead service case using the vertical axis |
NoSelfWeight(name) |
Excludes the self weight from the specified service case |
NoSelfWeight("Dead") |
Excludes the self weight from the Dead service case |
CustomSelfWeight(name, X, Y, Z) |
Includes the self weight in a custom direction for the specified service case |
CustomSelfWeight("Dead", -1, 0, 0) |
Included the self weight in the Dead service case in the global negative X-direction |
Node Loads
FX(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global X-direction |
FX(1) |
Adds a nodal force of 1 to the selected node in the current service case in the global X-direction |
FX(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global X-direction |
FX("N1", 1) |
Adds a nodal force of 1 to node N1 in the current service case in the global X-direction |
FY(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global Y-direction |
FY(-10) |
Adds a nodal force of -10 to the selected node in the current service case in the global Y-direction |
FY(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global Y-direction |
FY("N1", -10) |
Adds a nodal force of -10 to node N1 in the current service case in the global Y-direction |
FZ(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global Z-direction |
FZ(100) |
Adds a nodal force of 100 to the selected node in the current service case in the global Z-direction |
FZ(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global Z-direction |
FZ("N1", 100) |
Adds a nodal force of 100 to node N1 in the current service case in the global Z-direction |
MX(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global X-axis |
MX(1) |
Adds a nodal moment of 1 to the selected node in the current service case about the global X-axis |
MX(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global X-axis |
MX("N1", 1) |
Adds a nodal moment of 1 to node N1 in the current service case about the global X-axis |
MY(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global Y-axis |
MY(-10) |
Adds a nodal moment of -10 to the selected node in the current service case about the global Y-axis |
MY(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global Y-axis |
MY("N1", -10) |
Adds a nodal moment of -10 to node N1 in the current service case about the global Y-axis |
MZ(magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global Z-axis |
MZ(100) |
Adds a nodal moment of 100 to the selected node in the current service case about the global Z-axis |
MZ(node, magnitude) |
Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global Z-axis |
MZ("N1", 100) |
Adds a nodal moment of 100 node N1 in the current service case about the global Z-axis |
NodeForce(case, node, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ) |
Adds a nodal force(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case |
NodeForce("D", "N1", 1, -10, 100) |
Adds a nodal force of 1 in the global X-direction, -10 in the global Y-direction, and 100 in the global Z-direction to node N1 in the D service case |
NodeMoment(case, node, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ) |
Adds a nodal moment(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case |
NodeMoment("L", "N1", 1, -10, 100) |
Adds a nodal moment of 1 about the global X-axis, -10 about the global Y-axis, and 100 about the global Z-axis to node N1 in the L service case |
NodeSettlement(case, node, SettlementX, SettlementY, SettlementZ) |
Adds a nodal settlement(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case |
NodeSettlement("D", "N1", 1, -2, 3) |
Adds a nodal settlement of 1 in the global X-direction, -2 in the global Y-direction, and 3 in the global Z-direction to node N1 in the D service case |
NodeRotation(case, node, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ) |
Adds a nodal rotation(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case |
NodeRotation("L", "N1", 5, -10, 15) |
Adds a nodal rotation of 5 about the global X-axis, -10 about the global Y-axis, and 15 about the global Z-axis to node N1 in the L service case |
Member Loads
LoadMember(magnitude, direction) |
Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member(s) |
LoadMember(10, "Axial Force") |
Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a force of 10 in the member's local x-direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member(s) |
LoadMember(10, 2, 4, "Torsion") |
Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a torque of 10 about the member's local x-axis between 2 and 4 |
LoadMember(startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) |
Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member(s) |
LoadMember(5, 10, "Force X") |
Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global X-direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member(s) |
LoadMember(5, 10, 2, 4, "Force X") |
Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global X-direction between 2 and 4 |
LoadMemberPt(magnitude, offset, direction) |
Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member(s) |
LoadMemberPt(10, 2, "Moment X") |
Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global X-axis at the 2 location on the member(s) |
LoadMember(member, magnitude, direction) |
Loads a specified member in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember("Bm1", 10, "Shear y") |
Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a force of 10 in the member's local y-direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(member, magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member |
LoadMember("Bm1", 10, 2, 4, "Moment y") |
Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a moment of 10 about the member's local y-axis between 2 and 4 |
LoadMember(member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) |
Loads a specified member in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember("Bm1", 5, 10, "Force Y") |
Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Y-direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member |
LoadMember("Bm1", 5, 10, 2, 4, "Force Y") |
Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Y-direction between 2 and 4 |
LoadMember(case, member, magnitude, direction) |
Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember("D", "Bm1", 10, "Shear z") |
Loads member Bm1 in the D service case with a force of 10 in the member's local shear z-direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(case, member, magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member |
LoadMember("L", "Bm1", 10, 2, 4, "Moment z") |
Loads member Bm1 in the L service case with a moment of 10 about the member's local z-axis between 2 and 4 |
LoadMember(case, member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) |
Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember("S", "Bm1", 5, 10, "Force Z") |
Loads member Bm1 in the S service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Z direction on the full span of the member |
LoadMember(case, member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member |
LoadMember("E+Z", "Bm1", 5, 10, 2, 4, "Torsion") |
Loads member Bm1 in the E+Z service case with a linearly varying torque of 5 to 10 about the member's local x axis between 2 and 4 |
LoadMemberPt(member, magnitude, offset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in the current service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member |
LoadMemberPt("Bm1", 10, 2, "Moment Y") |
Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global Y-axis at the 2 location on the member |
LoadMemberPt(case, member, magnitude, offset, direction) |
Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member |
LoadMemberPt("W+Z", "Bm1", 10, 2, "Moment Z") |
Loads member Bm1 in the W+Z service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global Y axis at the 2 location on the member |
Plate Loads
LoadPlate(pressure) |
Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude |
LoadPlate(5) |
Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a uniform pressure of 5 |
LoadPlate(pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) |
Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined |
LoadPlate(5, 10, 15) |
Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
LoadPlate(pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) |
Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined |
LoadPlate(5, 10, 15, 20) |
Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
LoadPlate(plate, pressure) |
Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude |
LoadPlate("P1", 5) |
Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a uniform pressure of 5 |
LoadPlate(plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) |
Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined |
LoadPlate("P1", 5, 10, 15) |
Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
LoadPlate(plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) |
Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined |
LoadPlate("P1", 5, 10, 15, 20) |
Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure) |
Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude |
LoadPlate("D", "P1", 5) |
Loads plate P1 in service case D with a uniform pressure of 5 |
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) |
Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined |
LoadPlate("L", "P1", 5, 10, 15) |
Loads plate P1 in service case L with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) |
Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined |
LoadPlate("S", "P1", 5, 10, 15, 20) |
Loads plate P1 in service case S with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively |
Area Side Loads
SideForce(case, side, FX, FY, FX) |
Loads the specified area side in a define service case with a specified force |
SideForce("D", "Side001", 1, 0, 0) |
Loads area side Side001 with a force of magnitude 1 in the global X-direction in the D service case |
SideMoment(case, side, MX, MY, MZ) |
Loads the specified area side in a define service case with a specified moment |
SideMoment("L", "Side001", 0, 0, 1) |
Loads area side Side001 with a moment of magnitude 1 about global Z-direction in the L service case |
Load Combinations
AddCustomCombo(name, comboType, (factor, case)[]) |
Adds a custom load combination to the project |
AddCustomCombo("D + 0.75L", "Allowable (ASD)", (1.0, "D"), (0.75, "L")) |
Adds custom D + 0.75L Allowable (ASD) load combination |
Results() |
Returns a list of all the result cases in the project |
Print(Results()) |
Prints the list of all the result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format |
MaxDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom) |
Returns the maximum displacement in the project across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
MaxDisplacement("DX") |
Returns the maximum translational displacement in the global X-direction across all result cases in the project |
MaxDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom, resultCase) |
Returns the maximum displacement in the project for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
MaxDisplacement("RX", "D") |
Returns the project's maximum rotational displacement about the global X-axis for result case D |
MinDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom) |
Returns the minimum displacement in the project across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
MinDisplacement("DY") |
Returns the minimum translational displacement in the global Y-direction across all result cases in the project |
MinDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom, resultCase) |
Returns the minimum displacement in the project for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
MinDisplacement("RY", "L") |
Returns the project's minimum rotational displacement about the global Y-axis for result case L |
Displacement(degreeOfFreedom, node, wantMax) |
Returns the maximum or minimum displacement for the defined node across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
Displacement("DZ", "N1", true) |
Returns the maximum translational displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases for node N1 |
Displacement(degreeOfFreedom, node, resultCase) |
Returns the displacement for the defined node for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
Displacement("RZ", "N1", "D+L") |
Returns the rotational displacement about the global Z-axis for result cases D+L for node N1 |
Reaction(degreeOfFreedom, node, wantMax) |
Returns the maximum or minimum reaction for the defined node across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom |
Reaction("DX", "N1", false) |
Returns the minimum reaction force in the global X-direction across all result cases in the project |
Reaction(degreeOfFreedom, node, resultCase) |
Returns the reaction for the defined node for the defined result case for the specified degree of freedom |
Reaction("RX", "N1", "1.2D+1.6L") |
Returns the reaction moment about the global X-axis for result case 1.2D+1.6L for node N1 |
AddTable(title) |
Adds a specified table to the report |
AddTable("Member Forces") |
Adds the Member Forces table to the report |
ExportReport(path) |
Exports the report to a specified path |
ExportReport("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/Report.pdf") |
Saves the report as a .pdf on the desktop for the specified user |