IES VisualAnalysis User's Guide

Requires: Advanced Level

Script Command Categories

Command Description Example Input Example Result

User Interface


Clear Clears all text in the command line and clears any stored variables
Browse Launches the Open dialog box to navigate to an external script to run
Up/Down Arrows Use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" keys to navigate the command line history
Esc Press the "Esc" key while a script is running to end the script run



Help() Launches the Help File and navigates to the command line overview page
Help(command) Launches the Help File and navigates to the specified command Help("AddNode") Launches the Help File and navigates to the AddNode command
SetUnits(style) Sets the unit style to a default or custom style in the program SetUnits("Canadian") Sets the programs unit style to Canadian
SetDisplayPrecision(DecimalPlaces) Sets the number of decimal places displayed SetDisplayPrecision(4) Sets the precision to 4 decimal places
Select(names[]) Selects a specified item(s) (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model Select("Bm1", "N1", "V1") Selects element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model
Delete() Deletes the selected model object(s) and/or load(s) Select element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 then enter Delete() Deletes element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model
Delete(names[]) Deletes a specified item(s) (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model Delete("Bm1", "N1", "V1") Deletes element Bm1, node N1, and vertex V1 in the model
DeleteAll() Deletes everything in the model
Zoom(name) Zooms to a specified item (e.g. element, node, vertex, etc.) in the model Zoom("N1") Zooms into node N1 in the model
Print(List<names>) Prints the list of items in a comma-delimited format Print(Nodes()) Prints the list of nodes in the project in a comma-delimited format
List(List<names>) Lists the list of items with one item per line List(Members()) Lists the list of members with one item per line
MoveTo(nodeOrVert, X, Y, Z) Moves a specified node or vertex to a defined location MoveTo("N1", 0, 0, 0) Moves node N1 to the origin
MoveBy(nodeOrVert, distanceX, distanceY, distanceZ) Moves a specified node or vertex by a specified distance in each global direction MoveBy("V1", 5, 10, 15) Moves vertex V1 by 5, 10, and 15 in the global X, Y, and Z-directions, respectively
X(nodeOrVert) Returns the global X-coordinate of the specified node or vertex X("N1") Returns the global X-coordinate of node N1
Y(nodeOrVert) Returns the global Y-coordinate of the specified node or vertex Y("V1") Returns the global Y-coordinate of vertex V1
Z(nodeOrVert) Returns the global Z-coordinate of the specified node or vertex Z("V2") Returns the global Z-coordinate of vertex V2
PickMaterial() Opens the Material Database dialog box AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", PickMaterial(), 0.5, false) Opens the Material Database dialog box to define a material for plate P1 that is created between nodes N1, N2, and N3.
PickDatabaseSection() Opens the Shape Database dialog box AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", PickDatabaseSection(), "ASTM A36") Opens the Shape Database dialog box to define a database section for member Bm1 that is created between nodes N1 and N2
PickParametricSection() Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", PickParametricSection(), "Concrete (F'c = 4 ksi)") Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box to define a parametric section for member Bm1 that is created between nodes N1 and N2
Analysis() Pauses the script until the analysis completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" await Analysis(); Pauses the external script until the analysis completes
SetTitle() Sets the Title for the project SetTitle("Moment Frame Design") Sets the Title for the project to "Moment Frame Design"
SetBillingReference() Sets the Billing Reference for the project SetBillingReference("ABC Architects") Sets the Billing Reference for the project to "ABC Architects"
SetProjectNotes() Adds a project note SetProjectNotes("Analysis & design complete.") Adds note "Analysis & design complete." to the project.
SetNodalTolerance() Sets the Nodal Tolerance SetNodalTolerance(0.075) Sets the Nodal Tolerance to 0.075



Nodes() Returns a list of all the nodes in the project Print(Nodes()) Prints the list of all the nodes in the project in a comma-delimited format
Node(member, start) Returns the start or end node associated with the specified member var node = Node("Bm1", false); Sets variable 'node' equal to the end node of Bm1
Node(plate, index) Returns the node associated with the specified plate and index var node = Node("P1", 2); Sets variable 'node' equal to the node 2 of plate P1
AddNode(X, Y) Adds a default named node to the xy plane AddNode(1, 2) Creates a node with a default name at location {1, 2, 0} in the model
AddNode(X, Y, Z) Adds a default named node to the model AddNode(1, 2, 3) Creates a node with a default name at location {1, 2, 3} in the model
AddNode(name, X, Y, Z) Adds a named node to the model AddNode("N1", 1, 2, 3) Creates a node named "N1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model
AddNode(name, X, Y, Z, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) Adds a named node with specified support conditions to the model AddNode("N1", 1, 2, 3, true, true, true, false, false, false) Creates a node named "N1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model with supports DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free
Pin(node) Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to pinned Pin("N1") Sets node "N1" supports to DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free
Fix(node) Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to fixed Fix("N2") Sets node "N2" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = RY = RZ = Fixed
Free(node) Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to free Free("N3") Sets node "N3" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = RY = RZ = Free
Support(name, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) Sets the boundary support conditions for the node to the specified condition Support("N1", true, true, true, true, false, false) Sets node "N1" supports to DX = DY = DZ = RX = Fixed and RY = RZ = Free



Members() Returns a list of all the members in the project Print(Members()) Prints the list of all the members in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddMember() Adds a default named member between two selected nodes Select nodes N1 and N2 then enter AddMember() Creates a member with a default name between nodes N1 and N2
AddMember(node1, node2) Adds a default named member between two specified nodes AddMember("N1", "N2") Creates a member with a default name between nodes N1 and N2
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material) Adds a named member between two points with a specified section and material AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36") Creates member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material, connectCrossing, betaAngle, action) Adds a named member between two points with the section, material, connect crossings, beta angle, and action specified AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36", false, 15, "Tension only") Creates tension only member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material with a beta angle of 15
AddMember(name, node1, node2, section, material, connectCrossing, betaAngle, action, [Fx1, Fy1, Fz1, Mx1, My1, Mz1], [Fx2, Fy2, Fz2, Mx2, My2, Mz2]) Adds a named member between two points with the section, material, connect crossings, beta angle, and action specified along with the end releases AddMember("Bm1" , "N1", "N2", "W16X31", "ASTM A36", true, 15, "Normal (2-way)", new bool[] {false, false, false, false, true, true}, new bool[] {false, false, false, false, false, false}) Creates normal two-way member Bm1 between nodes N1 and N2 with a W16X31 section and ASTM A36 material. Connect crossings is enabled, the member has a beta angle of 15, and the member has a simple-rigid connection type (i.e. My1 = Mz1 = Released while all other releases are Rigid)
RigidConnect(member) Sets the member connections to rigid RigidConnect("Bm1") Sets Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = My1 = Mz1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = My2 = Mz2 = Rigid for Bm1
SimpleConnect(member) Sets the member connections to simple SimpleConnect("Bm1") Sets My1 = Mz1 = My2 = Mz2 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = Rigid for Bm1
SimpleRigid(member) Sets the member connections to simple-rigid SimpleRigid("Bm1") Sets My1 = Mz1 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = My2 = Mz2 = Rigid for Bm1
RigidSimple(member) Sets the member connections to rigid-simple RigidSimple("Bm1") Sets My2 = Mz2 = Released and Fx1 = Fy1 = Fz1 = Mx1 = My1 = Mz1 = Fx2 = Fy2 = Fz2 = Mx2 = Rigid for Bm1



Plates() Returns a list of all the plates in the project Print(Plates()) Prints the list of all the plates in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddPlate() Adds a default named plate between three or four selected nodes Select nodes N1, N2, and N3 then enter AddPlate() Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, and N3
AddPlate(node1, node2, node3) Adds a default named plate between three specified nodes AddPlate("N1", "N2", "N3") Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, and N3
AddPlate(node1, node2, node3, node4) Adds a default named plate between four specified nodes AddPlate("N1", "N2", "N3", "N4") Creates a plate with a default name between nodes N1, N2, N3, and N4
AddPlate(name, node1, node2, node3, material, thickness, membraneOnly) Adds a named plate between three specified nodes with the thickness, material, and membrane-only option defined AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", "ASTM A36", 0.5, true) Creates a named plate between nodes N1, N2, and N3 with a ASTM A36 material, thickness of 0.5 that is membrane only
AddPlate(name, node1, node2, node3, node4, material, thickness, membraneOnly) Adds a named plate between four specified nodes with the thickness, material, and membrane-only option defined AddPlate("P1", "N1", "N2", "N3", "N4", "Concrete (F'c = 4 ksi)", 9, false) Creates a named plate between nodes N1, N2, N3, and N4 with concrete material, thickness of 9 that is not membrane only



Springs() Returns a list of all the springs in the project Print(Plates()) Prints the list of all the springs in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddSpring(node, k, X, Y, Z, isRotational, action) Adds a default named spring support to a node in the model AddSpring("N1", 100, 0, -1, 0, false, "Compression Only") Adds a compression only displacement spring with a default name and a stiffness of 100 to node N1 in the global -Y direction
AddSpring(name, node, k, X, Y, Z, isRotational, action) Adds a named spring support to a node in the model AddSpring("RS1", "N1", 50, 1, 0, 0, true, "Normal (2-way)") Adds rotational spring RS1 with a stiffness of 50 to node N1 in the global +X direction



Vertices() Returns a list of all the vertices in the project Print(Vertices()) Prints the list of all the vertices in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddVertex(X, Y) Adds a default named vertex to the xy plane AddVertex(1, 2) Creates a vertex with a default name at location {1, 2, 0} in the model
AddVertex(X, Y, Z) Adds a default named vertex to the model AddVertex(1, 2, 3) Creates a vertex with a default name at location {1, 2, 3} in the model
AddVertex(name, X, Y, Z) Adds a named vertex to the model AddVertex("V1", 1, 2, 3) Creates a vertex named "V1" at location {1, 2, 3} in the model



Areas() Returns a list of all the areas in the project Print(Areas()) Prints the list of all the areas in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddArea() Adds a default named area defined by the selected vertices and/or nodes Select vertices "V1" and "V2" and nodes "N1" and "N2" then enter AddArea() Adds a default named area defined by vertices V1, and V2, and nodes N1, and N2
AddArea(verticesNodes[]) Adds a default named area defined by the specified vertices and/or nodes AddArea("V1","V2","N1","N2") Adds a default named area defined by vertices V1, and V2, and nodes N1, and N2
AddHole() Adds a default named hole defined by the selected vertices and/or nodes Select vertex "V3", node "N3", and vertex "V4" then enter AddHole() Adds a default named hole defined by vertex V3, node N3, and vertex V4
AddHole(verticesNodes[]) Adds a default named hole defined by the specified vertices and/or nodes AddHole("V3","N3","V4") Adds a default named hole defined by vertex V3, node N3, and vertex V4
ToggleMesh(string name) Enables or disables the 'Generate Plates' parameter for areas ToggleMesh("A1") Toggles the 'Generate Plates' parameter to Yes or No for area A1
Mesh(name, thickness, material, elementArea) Sets the thickness, material properties, and mesh element area for the specified area Mesh("A1", 0.5, "ASTM A36", 200) Sets the thickness to 0.5, the material to ASTM A36, and mesh element area to 200 for area A1.

Area Sides


AreaSides() Returns a list of all the area sides in the project Print(AreaSides()) Prints the list of all the area sides in the project in a comma-delimited format
FindSide(X, Y, Z) Returns the area side associated with the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates FindSide(5, 10, 0) Returns the area side on which point X=5, Y=10, and Z=0 lies
SupportSide(side, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) Sets the defined support conditions for the specified area side SupportSide("Side001", true, true, true, false, false, false) Sets the support for area side Side001 to pinned (i.e. DX = DY = DZ = Fixed and RX = RY = RZ = Free)

Service Case


ServiceCases() Returns a list of all the service cases in the project Print(ServiceCases()) Prints the list of all the service cases in the project in a comma-delimited format
AddServiceCase(name, source) Adds a service case to the project with a specified load source AddServiceCase("Unbalanced Snow", "Snow") Adds the 'Unbalanced Snow' service case with a Snow load source to the project
AddServiceCase(name, source, includeInAnalysis, includeInCombos, pattern) Adds a service case to the project with the load source, include in analysis, include in building code combination, and pattern identification specified AddServiceCase("Unbalanced Snow", "Snow", true, true, 2) Adds the 'Unbalanced Snow' service case with a Snow load source to the project that is included in the analysis and included in the building code combinations with a pattern identification of 2
VerticalSelfWeight(name) Includes the self weight in the specified service case VerticalSelfWeight("Dead") Included the self weight in the Dead service case using the vertical axis
NoSelfWeight(name) Excludes the self weight from the specified service case NoSelfWeight("Dead") Excludes the self weight from the Dead service case
CustomSelfWeight(name, X, Y, Z) Includes the self weight in a custom direction for the specified service case CustomSelfWeight("Dead", -1, 0, 0) Included the self weight in the Dead service case in the global negative X-direction

Node Loads


FX(magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global X-direction FX(1) Adds a nodal force of 1 to the selected node in the current service case in the global X-direction
FX(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global X-direction FX("N1", 1) Adds a nodal force of 1 to node N1 in the current service case in the global X-direction
FY(magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global Y-direction FY(-10) Adds a nodal force of -10 to the selected node in the current service case in the global Y-direction
FY(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global Y-direction FY("N1", -10) Adds a nodal force of -10 to node N1 in the current service case in the global Y-direction
FZ(magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case in the global Z-direction FZ(100) Adds a nodal force of 100 to the selected node in the current service case in the global Z-direction
FZ(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal force of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case in the global Z-direction FZ("N1", 100) Adds a nodal force of 100 to node N1 in the current service case in the global Z-direction
MX(magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global X-axis MX(1) Adds a nodal moment of 1 to the selected node in the current service case about the global X-axis
MX(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global X-axis MX("N1", 1) Adds a nodal moment of 1 to node N1 in the current service case about the global X-axis
MY(magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global Y-axis MY(-10) Adds a nodal moment of -10 to the selected node in the current service case about the global Y-axis
MY(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global Y-axis MY("N1", -10) Adds a nodal moment of -10 to node N1 in the current service case about the global Y-axis
MZ(magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the selected node in the current service case about the global Z-axis MZ(100) Adds a nodal moment of 100 to the selected node in the current service case about the global Z-axis
MZ(node, magnitude) Adds a nodal moment of specified magnitude to the defined node in the current service case about the global Z-axis MZ("N1", 100) Adds a nodal moment of 100 node N1 in the current service case about the global Z-axis
NodeForce(case, node, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ) Adds a nodal force(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case NodeForce("D", "N1", 1, -10, 100) Adds a nodal force of 1 in the global X-direction, -10 in the global Y-direction, and 100 in the global Z-direction to node N1 in the D service case
NodeMoment(case, node, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ) Adds a nodal moment(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case NodeMoment("L", "N1", 1, -10, 100) Adds a nodal moment of 1 about the global X-axis, -10 about the global Y-axis, and 100 about the global Z-axis to node N1 in the L service case
NodeSettlement(case, node, SettlementX, SettlementY, SettlementZ) Adds a nodal settlement(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case NodeSettlement("D", "N1", 1, -2, 3) Adds a nodal settlement of 1 in the global X-direction, -2 in the global Y-direction, and 3 in the global Z-direction to node N1 in the D service case
NodeRotation(case, node, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ) Adds a nodal rotation(s) of specified magnitude(s) to the defined node in the specified service case NodeRotation("L", "N1", 5, -10, 15) Adds a nodal rotation of 5 about the global X-axis, -10 about the global Y-axis, and 15 about the global Z-axis to node N1 in the L service case

Member Loads


LoadMember(magnitude, direction) Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member(s) LoadMember(10, "Axial Force") Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a force of 10 in the member's local x-direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member(s) LoadMember(10, 2, 4, "Torsion") Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a torque of 10 about the member's local x-axis between 2 and 4
LoadMember(startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member(s) LoadMember(5, 10, "Force X") Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global X-direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member(s) LoadMember(5, 10, 2, 4, "Force X") Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global X-direction between 2 and 4
LoadMemberPt(magnitude, offset, direction) Loads a selected member(s) in the current service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member(s) LoadMemberPt(10, 2, "Moment X") Loads the selected member(s) in the current service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global X-axis at the 2 location on the member(s)
LoadMember(member, magnitude, direction) Loads a specified member in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member LoadMember("Bm1", 10, "Shear y") Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a force of 10 in the member's local y-direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(member, magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a specified member in the current service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member LoadMember("Bm1", 10, 2, 4, "Moment y") Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a moment of 10 about the member's local y-axis between 2 and 4
LoadMember(member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) Loads a specified member in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member LoadMember("Bm1", 5, 10, "Force Y") Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Y-direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a specified member in the current service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member LoadMember("Bm1", 5, 10, 2, 4, "Force Y") Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Y-direction between 2 and 4
LoadMember(case, member, magnitude, direction) Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member LoadMember("D", "Bm1", 10, "Shear z") Loads member Bm1 in the D service case with a force of 10 in the member's local shear z-direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(case, member, magnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a load of given magnitude in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member LoadMember("L", "Bm1", 10, 2, 4, "Moment z") Loads member Bm1 in the L service case with a moment of 10 about the member's local z-axis between 2 and 4
LoadMember(case, member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, direction) Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on the full span of the member LoadMember("S", "Bm1", 5, 10, "Force Z") Loads member Bm1 in the S service case with a linearly varying force of 5 to 10 in the project's global Z direction on the full span of the member
LoadMember(case, member, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, startOffset, endOffset, direction) Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a linearly varying load of given start and end magnitudes in a specified local or global direction on a partial span of the member LoadMember("E+Z", "Bm1", 5, 10, 2, 4, "Torsion") Loads member Bm1 in the E+Z service case with a linearly varying torque of 5 to 10 about the member's local x axis between 2 and 4
LoadMemberPt(member, magnitude, offset, direction) Loads a specified member in the current service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member LoadMemberPt("Bm1", 10, 2, "Moment Y") Loads member Bm1 in the current service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global Y-axis at the 2 location on the member
LoadMemberPt(case, member, magnitude, offset, direction) Loads a specified member in a defined service case with a point load in a specified local or global direction at a particular location on the member LoadMemberPt("W+Z", "Bm1", 10, 2, "Moment Z") Loads member Bm1 in the W+Z service case with a concentrated moment of 10 about the global Y axis at the 2 location on the member

Plate Loads


LoadPlate(pressure) Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude LoadPlate(5) Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a uniform pressure of 5
LoadPlate(pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined LoadPlate(5, 10, 15) Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively
LoadPlate(pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) Loads a selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined LoadPlate(5, 10, 15, 20) Loads the selected plate(s) in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively
LoadPlate(plate, pressure) Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude LoadPlate("P1", 5) Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a uniform pressure of 5
LoadPlate(plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined LoadPlate("P1", 5, 10, 15) Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively
LoadPlate(plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) Loads a specified plate in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined LoadPlate("P1", 5, 10, 15, 20) Loads plate P1 in the current service case with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure) Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a uniform pressure of given magnitude LoadPlate("D", "P1", 5) Loads plate P1 in service case D with a uniform pressure of 5
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3) Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3 defined LoadPlate("L", "P1", 5, 10, 15) Loads plate P1 in service case L with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively
LoadPlate(case, plate, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3, pressure4) Loads a specified plate in a defined service case with a linearly varying pressure with the magnitude for Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, and Node 4 defined LoadPlate("S", "P1", 5, 10, 15, 20) Loads plate P1 in service case S with a linearly varying pressure of magnitudes 5, 10, and 15 at Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3, respectively

Area Loads


LoadArea(magnitude, loadMembers) Loads the selected area(s) in the current service case with a uniform load of given magnitude applied to plates or members LoadArea(10, false) Loads the selected area(s) in the current service case with a uniform load of magnitude 10 applied to plates
LoadArea(area, magnitude, loadMembers) Loads the specified area(s) in the current service case with a uniform load of given magnitude applied to plates or members LoadArea("A1", 10, true) Loads area "A1" in the current service case with a uniform load of magnitude 10 applied to members
LoadArea(case, area, magnitude, loadMembers) Loads the specified area(s) in the specified service case with a uniform load of given magnitude applied to plates or members LoadArea("D", "A1", 10, false) Loads area "A1" in the "D" service case with a uniform load of magnitude 10 applied to plates

Area Side Loads


SideForce(case, side, FX, FY, FX) Loads the specified area side in a define service case with a specified force SideForce("D", "Side001", 1, 0, 0) Loads area side Side001 with a force of magnitude 1 in the global X-direction in the D service case
SideMoment(case, side, MX, MY, MZ) Loads the specified area side in a define service case with a specified moment SideMoment("L", "Side001", 0, 0, 1) Loads area side Side001 with a moment of magnitude 1 about global Z-direction in the L service case

Load Combinations


AddCustomCombo(name, comboType, (factor, case)[]) Adds a custom load combination to the project AddCustomCombo("D + 0.75L", "Allowable (ASD)", (1.0, "D"), (0.75, "L")) Adds custom D + 0.75L Allowable (ASD) load combination



Design() Pauses the script until the design completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" await Design(); Pauses the external script until the design completes
Unity(element) Returns the unity value of the specified element Unity("Bm1") Returns the unity value of Bm1
DesignGrouping() Pauses the script until the design grouping completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" await DesignGrouping() Pauses the external script until the design grouping completes
DesignGroups() Returns a list of all the design groups in the project Print(DesignGroups()) Prints the list of all the design groups in the project in a comma-delimited format
FindGroup(member) Returns the design group of the specified member FindGroup("Bm1") Returns the design group associated with member Bm1
ModifyDesignGroup(group, parameter, value) Modifies the value of a parameter in a design group ModifyDesignGroup("DG1", "Specification", "AISC 360-22 LRFD") Sets the specification for design group DG1 to AISC 360-22 LFRD
ModifyDesignGroup(group, category, parameter, value) Modifies the value of a parameter in a category in a design group ModifyDesignGroup("DG1", "Deflections - Strong (dy)", "D + L", "1.5 inches") Sets the strong deflection limit to 1.5 inches for design group DG1 for the load combinations that combine dead and live loads
DesignMeshing() Pauses the script until the design meshing completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" await DesignMeshing() Pauses the external script until the design meshing completes
DesignMeshes() Returns a list of all the design meshes in the project Print(DesignMeshes()) Prints the list of all the design meshes in the project in a comma-delimited format
FindMesh(plate) Returns the design mesh of the specified plate FindMesh("P1") Returns the design mesh associated with plate P1
ModifyDesignMesh(mesh, parameter, value) Modifies the value of a parameter in a design mesh ModifyDesignMesh("DM1", "Specification", "ACI 318-19") Sets the specification for design mesh DM1 to ACI 318-19
ModifyDesignMesh(mesh, category, parameter, value) Modifies the value of a parameter in a category in a design mesh ModifyDesignMesh("DM1", "Reinforcement (Top Mat)", "X Size", "#5") Sets the top mat reinforcement X direction bar size to #5 for the design mesh DM1



Results() Returns a list of all the result cases in the project Print(Results()) Prints the list of all the result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format
MaxDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom) Returns the maximum displacement in the project across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom MaxDisplacement("DX") Returns the maximum translational displacement in the global X-direction across all result cases in the project
MaxDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom, resultCase) Returns the maximum displacement in the project for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom MaxDisplacement("RX", "D") Returns the project's maximum rotational displacement about the global X-axis for result case D
MinDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom) Returns the minimum displacement in the project across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom MinDisplacement("DY") Returns the minimum translational displacement in the global Y-direction across all result cases in the project
MinDisplacement(degreeOfFreedom, resultCase) Returns the minimum displacement in the project for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom MinDisplacement("RY", "L") Returns the project's minimum rotational displacement about the global Y-axis for result case L
Displacement(degreeOfFreedom, node, wantMax) Returns the maximum or minimum displacement for the defined node across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom Displacement("DZ", "N1", true) Returns the maximum translational displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases for node N1
Displacement(degreeOfFreedom, node, resultCase) Returns the displacement for the defined node for the defined result cases for the specified degree of freedom Displacement("RZ", "N1", "D+L") Returns the rotational displacement about the global Z-axis for result cases D+L for node N1
Reaction(degreeOfFreedom, node, wantMax) Returns the maximum or minimum reaction for the defined node across all result cases for the specified degree of freedom Reaction("DX", "N1", false) Returns the minimum reaction force in the global X-direction across all result cases in the project
Reaction(degreeOfFreedom, node, resultCase) Returns the reaction for the defined node for the defined result case for the specified degree of freedom Reaction("RX", "N1", "1.2D+1.6L") Returns the reaction moment about the global X-axis for result case 1.2D+1.6L for node N1



AddTable(title) Adds a specified table to the report AddTable("Member Forces") Adds the Member Forces table to the report
ExportReport(path) Exports the report to a specified path ExportReport("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/Report.pdf") Saves the report as a .pdf on the desktop for the specified user