IES VisualAnalysis User's Guide
Graphic Filters

Filters allow various aspects of the model, results, or design views to be shown or hidden. While there are some common filter choices, each window has a unique set of filter options. The filter settings are accessed in the Project Manager | Filter tab.

Window Options

Name Filters

Elements can be shown or hidden based on a Name Filter. The prefix of the name of the element is matched with the Name Filter which is case sensitive. Special characters can be used in the Name Filter (for example use a period (.) to represent any single character, or a question mark (?) to represent one optional character). Prefix with @ for full regular expression syntax.

Member Filter Setting Effect on Graphics
B All members whose names start with the letter B are displayed
Bm, Col All members whose names start with Bm or Col are displayed
!C All members are shown, unless their name begins with C

Model Filter

In the Model View, objects can be shown or hidden based on their type (Members, Plates, Nodes, etc.). Details about each object can be toggled using the Details section for the corresponding object. For example, under Member Details the shape name, end releases, or local axes can be shown.

Color Mode

The color of the model elements can be set based on three modes listed below. Note: The color mode may not affect all objects.

Result Filter

The Project Manager | Result Filter tab is used to display element deflections, forces, or stresses, in addition to deflected shapes and reactions. Use the Result Type object to show results for members, plates, or other objects. When the legend is shown, a box mapping colors to values with slider controls for graphic filtering appears. For member elements, you can show the graphic results using colors or diagrams. The Overlay Undisplaced filter is used to show the Model View in the Result View. There are also result filters for scaling the displaced shape. 

Design Filter

The Design Filter displays information about design groups and the unity checks. The Group Name option is used to show the design group to which each member belongs.