Command | Description | Example Input | Example Result | |
Clear | Clears all text in the command line and clears any stored variables | |||
Browse | Launches the Open dialog box to navigate to an external script to run | |||
Up/Down Arrows | Use the "Up Arrow" and "Down Arrow" keys to navigate the command line history | |||
Esc | Press the "Esc" key while a script is running to end the script run | |||
Help() | Launches the Help File and navigates to the command line overview page | |||
Help(command) | Launches the Help File and navigates to the specified command | Help("AddBoundary") | Launches the Help File and navigates to the AddBoundary command | |
SetUnits(style) | Sets the unit style to a default or custom style in the program | SetUnits("Canadian") | Sets the programs unit style to Canadian | |
SetDisplayPrecision(DecimalPlaces) | Sets the number of decimal places displayed | SetDisplayPrecision(4) | Sets the precision to 4 decimal places | |
Select(names[]) | Selects a specified item(s) (e.g. boundary, vertex, etc.) in the model | Select("B1", "V1") | Selects boundary B1 and vertex V1 in the model | |
Delete() | Deletes the selected model object(s) and/or load(s) | Select boundary B1, element Bm1, and vertex V1 then enter Delete() | Deletes boundary B1, element Bm1, and vertex V1 in the model | |
Delete(names[]) | Deletes a specified item(s) (e.g. boundaries, load points, point supports, etc.) in the model | Delete("B1", "LP1", "PS1") | Deletes boundary B1, load point LP1, and point support PS1 in the model | |
DeleteAll() | Deletes everything in the model | |||
Zoom(name) | Zooms to a specified item (e.g. boundary, load point, point support, etc.) in the model | Zoom("V1") | Zooms into vertex V1 in the model | |
Print(List<names>) | Prints the list of items in a comma-delimited format | Print(Boundaries()) | Prints the list of boundaries in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
List(List<names>) | Lists the list of items with one item per line | List(Vertices()) | Lists the list of vertices with one item per line | |
PickMaterial() | Opens the Material Database dialog box | AddStiffener("ST1", 0, 0, 120, 240, "W16x31", PickMaterial()) | Opens the Material Database dialog box to define a material for line stiffener ST1 that is created between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
PickDatabaseSection() | Opens the Shape Database dialog box | AddStiffener("ST1", 0, 0, 120, 240, PickDatabaseSection(), "ASTM A36") | Opens the Shape Database dialog box to define a database section for line stiffener ST1 that is created between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
PickParametricSection() | Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box | AddStiffener("ST1", 0, 0, 120, 240, PickParametricSection(), "ASTM A36") | Opens the Parametric Shape Dimensions dialog box to define a parametric section for line stiffener ST1 that is created between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
SetTitle() | Sets the Title for the project | SetTitle("Elevated Slab Design") | Sets the Title for the project to "Elevated Slab Design" | |
SetBillingReference() | Sets the Billing Reference for the project | SetBillingReference("ABC Architects") | Sets the Billing Reference for the project to "ABC Architects" | |
SetProjectNotes() | Adds a project note | SetProjectNotes("Model complete.") | Adds note "Model complete." to the project. | |
SetNodalTolerance() | Sets the Nodal Tolerance | SetNodalTolerance(0.075) | Sets the Nodal Tolerance to 0.075 | |
Vertices() | Returns a list of all the vertices in the project | Print(Vertices()) | Prints the list of all the vertices in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
MoveTo(name, X, Y) | Moves a specified vertex to a defined location | MoveTo("V1", 0, 0) | Moves vertex V1 to the origin | |
MoveTo(name, location) | Moves a specified vertex to a predefined location |
var location1 = new Location(10, 20); MoveTo("V1", location1) |
Moves vertex V1 to location1 | |
MoveBy(name, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves a specified vertex by a specified distance in each global direction | MoveBy("V1", 5, 10) | Moves vertex V1 by 5 in the global X direction and 10 in the global Y direction | |
X(name) | Returns the global X-coordinate of the specified vertex | X("V1") | Returns the global X-coordinate of vertex V1 | |
Y(name) | Returns the global Y-coordinate of the specified vertex | Y("V1") | Returns the global Y-coordinate of vertex V1 | |
Boundaries() | Returns a list of all the boundaries in the project | Print(Boundaries()) | Prints the list of all the boundaries in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddBoundary(List<X>, List<Y>) | Adds a boundary defined by the a list of X coordinates and list of Y coordinates. |
var X = new List<double>(){0, 1, 0}; var Y = new List<double>(){0, 0, 1}; AddBoundary(X, Y) |
Adds a boundary defined by coordinate lists X and Y | |
AddBoundary(Location[]) | Adds a boundary defined by and array of locations |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(1, 0); var location3 = new Location(0, 1); AddBoundary(location1, location2, location3) |
Adds a boundary defined by location1, location2, and location3 | |
AddRectangleBoundary(centerX, centerY, width, height) | Adds a rectangular boundary of specified width and height at a defined location | AddRectangleBoundary(1, 2, 5, 15) | Adds a 5 wide by 15 tall rectangular boundary centered at {1, 2} | |
AddCircleBoundary(centerX, centerY, radius) | Adds a circular boundary of specified radius at a defined location | AddCircleBoundary(1, 2, 5) | Adds a circular boundary of radius 5 centered at {1, 2} | |
AddPolygonBoundary(centerX, centerX, radius, numberSides, angle) | Adds a polygon boundary of specified radius at a defined location | AddPolygonBoundary(1, 2, 5, 6, 45) | Adds a 6 sided polygon boundary of radius 5 centered at {1, 2} with a rotation angle of 45 | |
ToggleHole(boundary) | Toggles the Hole? parameter for the specified boundary on or off | ToggleHole("B1") | Toggles the Hole? parameter on or off for boundary B1 | |
Thickness(boundary, thickness) | Sets the thickness to a specified value for the defined boundary | Thickness("B1", 12) | Sets the thickness for boundary B1 to 12 | |
ToggleSelfWeight(boundary) | Toggles the Add Self Weight parameter for the specified boundary on or off | ToggleSelfWeight("B1") | Toggles the Add Self Weight parameter on or off for boundary B1 | |
Height(boundary, height) | Modifies the height of a rectangular or circular boundary | Height("B1", 120) | Changes the height of boundary B1 to 120 | |
Width(boundary, width) | Modifies the width of a rectangular or circular boundary | Width("B1", 120) | Changes the width of boundary B1 to 120 | |
Theta(boundary, theta) | Modifies the theta of a rectangular or polygon boundary | Theta("B1", 45) | Changes theta of boundary B1 to 45 | |
Radius(boundary, radius) | Modifies the radius of a circular or polygon boundary | Radius("B1", 120) | Changes the radius of boundary B1 to 120 | |
SideCount(boundary, sideCount) | Modifies the number of sides for a polygon boundary | SideCount("B1", 6) | Changes the number of sides for boundary B1 to 6 | |
SideLength(boundary, length) | Modifies the side length for a polygon boundary | SideLength("B1", 120) | Changes the side length for boundary B1 to 120 | |
MoveCenterTo(boundary, centerX, centerY) | Moves the center of the a circular, rectangular, or polygon boundary to a defined location | MoveCenterTo("B1", 120, 240) | Moves the center of boundary B1 to {120, 240} | |
MoveCenterTo(boundary, location) | Moves the center of the a circular, rectangular, or polygon boundary to a defined location |
var location1 = new Location(120, 240); MoveCenterTo("B1", location1) |
Moves the center of boundary B1 to location1 | |
MoveCenterBy(boundary, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves the center of the a circular, rectangular, or polygon slab by a specified amount | MoveCenterBy("F1", 120, 240) | Moves the center of slab F1 by 120 in the X-direction and 240 in the Y-direction | |
PointSupports() | Returns a list of all the point supports in the project | Print(PointSupports()) | Prints the list of all the point supports in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddPointSupport(X, Y) | Adds a default point support at a specified coordinate | AddPointSupport(0, 0) | Adds a default point support at the origin | |
AddPointSupport(location) | Adds a default point support at a specified location |
var location1 = new Location(12, 24); AddPointSupport(location1) |
Adds a default point support at location1 | |
NamePointSupport(currentName, newName) | Renames a point support | NamePointSupport("PS1", "PS2") | Changes the name of point support PS1 to PS2 | |
FixPointSupport(support, dof) | Sets the specified degree of freedom to fixed for the defined point support | FixPointSupport("PS1", "DZ") | Sets Force-Z to fixed for point support PS1 | |
FreePointSupport(support, dof) | Sets the specified degree of freedom to free for the defined point support | FreePointSupport("PS1", "RX") | Sets Moment-X to free for point support PS1 | |
CustomPointSupport(support, dof, stiffness) | Sets the specified degree of freedom to a spring support with specified stiffness for the defined point support | CustomPointSupport("PS1", "RY", 100) | Sets Moment-Y to Specified-K for point support PS1 with a Stiffness-Ry = 100 | |
RefinePointSupport(support, offset, startLength, endLength) | Sets the Refine parameter for the specified point support to true and defines the mesh refinement parameters | RefinePointSupport("PS1", 6, 0.5, 4) | Sets the Refine parameter for point support PS1 to true and set the offset to 6, the element length at start to 0.5, and the element length at end to 4 | |
UnRefinePointSupport(support) | Sets the Refine parameter for the specified point support to false |
UnRefinePointSupport("PS1") |
Sets the Refine parameter for point support PS1 to false | |
MovePointSupportTo(support, X, Y) | Moves specified point support to defined coordinates | MovePointSupportTo("PS1", 12, 24) | Moves point support PS1 to {12, 24} | |
MovePointSupportTo(support, location) | Moves specified point support to defined location |
var location1 = new Location(12, 24); MovePointSupportTo("PS1", location1) |
Moves point support PS1 to location1 | |
MovePointSupportBy(support, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves specified point support by a specified distance in each global direction | MovePointSupportBy("PS1", 12, 24) | Moves point support PS1 by 12 in the X-direction and 24 in the Y-direction | |
LineSupports() | Returns a list of all the line supports in the project | Print(LineSupports()) | Prints the list of all the line supports in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddLineSupport(startX, startY, endX, endY) | Adds a line support between start coordinates and end coordinates | AddLineSupport(0, 0, 120, 240) | Adds a line support between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
AddLineSupport(startLocation, endLocation) | Adds a line support between a start location and an end location |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); AddLineSupport(location1, location2) |
Adds a line support between location1 and location2 | |
AddLineSupport(name, startX, startY, endX, endY) | Adds a line support between start coordinates and end coordinates with a defined name | AddLineSupport("LS1", 0, 0, 120, 240) | Adds a line support named LS1 between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
AddLineSupport(name, startLocation, endLocation) | Adds a line support between a start location and an end location with a defined name |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); AddLineSupport("LS1", location1, location2) |
Adds a line support named LS1 between location1 and location2 | |
FixLineSupport(support) | Sets the moment fixity at the support to fixed | FixLineSupport("LS1") | Sets the moment fixity for line support LS1 to fixed | |
PinLineSupport(support) | Sets the moment fixity at the support to pinned | PinLineSupport("LS1") | Sets the moment fixity for line support LS1 to pinned | |
CustomLineSupport(support, stiffness) | Sets the moment fixity at the support to a spring with a specified stiffness | CustomLineSupport("LS1", 100) | Sets the moment fixity for line support LS1 to a spring of stiffness 100 | |
Stiffeners() | Returns a list of all the line stiffeners in the project | Print(Stiffeners()) | Prints the list of all the line stiffeners in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddStiffener(startX, startY, endX, endY) | Adds a line stiffener between start coordinates and end coordinates | AddStiffener(0, 0, 120, 240) | Adds a line stiffener between {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
AddStiffener(name, startX, startY, endX, endY, section, material) | Adds a line stiffener between start coordinates and end coordinates with a defined name, section, and material | AddStiffener("ST1", 0, 0, 120, 240, "W16x31", "ASTM A36") | Adds a line stiffener named ST1 between {0, 0} and {120, 240} that has a W16x31 section with A36 material | |
AddStiffener(name, startX, startY, endX, endY, section, material, offsetZ, rotation, includeSelfWeight) | Adds a line stiffener between start coordinates and end coordinates with a defined name, section, material, offset, rotation, and with the self weight included or excluded | AddStiffener("ST1", 0, 0, 120, 240, "W16x31", "ASTM A36", 12, 90, true) | Adds a line stiffener named ST1 between {0, 0} and {120, 240} that has a W16x31 section with A36 material that is offset 12 in the Z-direction, rotated 90, and includes the self weight | |
AddStiffener(startLocation, endLocation) | Adds a line stiffener between a start location and an end location |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); AddStiffener(location1, location2) |
Adds a line stiffener between location1 and location2 | |
AddStiffener(name, startLocation, endLocation, section, material) | Adds a line stiffener between a start location and an end location with a defined name, section, and material |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); AddStiffener("ST1", location1, location2, "W16x31", "ASTM A36") |
Adds a line stiffener named ST1 between location1 and location2 that has a W16x31 section with A36 material | |
AddStiffener(name, startLocation, endLocation, section, material, offsetZ, rotation, includeSelfWeight) | Adds a line stiffener between a start location and an end location with a defined name, section, material, offset, rotation, and with the self weight included or excluded |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); AddStiffener("ST1", location1, location2, "W16x31", "ASTM A36", 12, 90, true) |
Adds a line stiffener named ST1 between location1 and location2 that has a W16x31 section with A36 material that is offset 12 in the Z-direction, rotated 90, and includes the self weight | |
SetStiffenerOffset(stiffener, offsetZ) | Sets the offset in the Z-direction for the specified line stiffener | SetStiffenerOffset("ST1", 12) | Sets the offset in the Z-direction for ST1 to 12 | |
SetStiffenerRotation(stiffener, angle) | Sets the rotation for the specified line stiffener | SetStiffenerRotation("ST1", 90) | Sets the rotation for ST1 to 90 | |
SetStiffenerSelfWt(stiffener, include) | Includes or excludes the self weight for the specified line stiffener | SetStiffenerSelfWt("ST1", true) | Includes the self weight for ST1 | |
MoveLineTo(line, startX, startY, endX, endY) | Moves specified line stiffener or line support to a defined start coordinate and end coordinate | MoveLineTo("L1", 0, 0, 120, 240) | Moves line stiffener or line support L1 to span between coordinates {0, 0} and {120, 240} | |
MoveLineTo(line, startLocation, endLocation) | Moves specified line stiffener or line support to a defined start location and end location |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); var location2 = new Location(120, 240); MoveLineTo("L1", location1, location2) |
Moves line stiffener or line support L1 to span between location1 and locaiton2 | |
MoveLineBy(line, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves specified line stiffener or line support by specified amounts in the X-direction and the Y-direction | MoveLineBy("L1", 12, 24) | Moves line stiffener or line support L1 by 12 in the X-direction and 24 in the Y-direction | |
MoveStart(line, X, Y) | Moves the start point of a specified line stiffener or line support to a defined coordinate | MoveStart("L1", 6, 12) | Moves the start coordinate of line stiffener or line support L1 to {6, 12} | |
MoveStart(line, startLocation) | Moves the start point of a specified line stiffener or line support to a defined location |
var location1 = new Location(0, 0); MoveStart("L1", location1) |
Moves the start coordinate of line stiffener or line support L1 to locatoin1 | |
MoveEnd(line, X, Y) | Moves the end point of a specified line stiffener or line support to a defined coordinate | MoveEnd("L1", 6, 12) | Moves the end coordinate of line stiffener or line support L1 to {6, 12} | |
MoveEnd(line, endLocation) | Moves the end point of a specified line stiffener or line support to a defined location |
var location1 = new Location(120, 120); MoveEnd("L1", location1) |
Moves the end coordinate of line stiffener or line support L1 to location1 | |
ServiceCases() | Returns a list of all the service cases in the project | Print(ServiceCases()) | Prints the list of all the service cases in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddServiceCase(name, source) | Adds a service case with a specified name and source | AddServiceCase("S-Unbalanced", "Snow") | Add service case S-Unbalanced with a Snow load source | |
AddServiceCase(name, source, includeInCombos, pattern) | Adds a service case with a specified name and source and defines the pattern ID and if the case is included in the building code combinations | AddServiceCase("S-Unbalanced", "Snow", true, 1) | Add service case S-Unbalanced with a Snow load source and includes the service case in the building code combination and sets the pattern ID to 1 | |
LoadPoints() | Returns a list of all the load points in the project | Print(LoadPoints()) | Prints the list of all the load points in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
AddLoadPoint(X, Y) | Adds a default load point at a specified coordinate | AddLoadPoint(0, 0) | Adds a default load point at the origin | |
AddLoadPoint(location) | Adds a default load point at a specified location |
var location1 = new Location(12, 24); AddLoadPoint(location1) |
Adds a default load point at location1 | |
NameLoadPoint(currentName, newName) | Renames a load point | NameLoadPoint("LP1", "LP2") | Changes the name of point support PS1 to PS2 | |
RefineLoadPoint(point, offset, startLength, endLength) | Sets the Refine parameter for the specified load point to true and defines the mesh refinement parameters | RefineLoadPoint("LP1", 6, 0.5, 4) | Sets the Refine parameter for laod point LP1 to true and set the offset to 6, the element length at start to 0.5, and the element length at end to 4 | |
UnRefineLoadPoint(support) | Sets the Refine parameter for the specified load point to false |
UnRefineLoadPoint("LP1") |
Sets the Refine parameter for load point LP1 to false | |
MoveLoadPointTo(point, X, Y) | Moves specified load point to defined coordinates | MoveLoadPointTo("LP1", 12, 24) | Moves load point LP1 to {12, 24} | |
MoveLoadPointTo(point, location) | Moves specified load point to defined location |
var location1 = new Location(12, 24); MoveLoadPointTo("LP1", location1) |
Moves load point LP1 to location1 | |
MoveLoadPointBy(point, distanceX, distanceY) | Moves specified load point by a specified distance in each global direction | MoveLoadPointBy("LP1", 12, 24) | Moves load point LP1 by 12 in the X-direction and 24 in the Y-direction | |
RectangularLoad(X, Y, widthX, widthY, UniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a widthX by widthY rectangular load centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | RectangularLoad(0, 0, 2, 4, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a 2 by 4 rectangular load centered at {0, 0} with a specified uniform pressure of -50 with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
RectangularLoad(ServiceCase, X, Y, widthX, widthY, UniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a widthX by widthY rectangular load centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | RectangularLoad("D", 0, 0, 2, 4, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a 2 by 4 rectangular load centered at {0, 0} with a specified uniform pressure of -50 with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
RectangularLoad(X, Y, widthX, widthY, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a widthX by widthY rectangular load centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | RectangularLoad(0, 0, 2, 4, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a 2 by 4 rectangular load centered at {0, 0} with a linear pressure varying from -50 to -100 in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
RectangularLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, widthX, widthY, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a widthX by widthY rectangular load centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | RectangularLoad("D", 0, 0, 2, 4, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a 2 by 4 rectangular load centered at {0, 0} with a linear pressure varying from -50 to -100 in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
CircularLoad(X, Y, radius, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a circular load with a specified radius centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | CircularLoad(0, 0, 4, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a circular load with a 4 radius centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
CircularLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, radius, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a circular load with a specified radius centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | CircularLoad("D", 0, 0, 4, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a circular load with a 4 radius centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
CircularLoad(X, Y, radius, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a circular load with a specified radius centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | CircularLoad(0, 0, 4, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a circular load with a 4 radius centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
CircularLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, radius, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a circular load with a specified radius centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | CircularLoad("D", 0, 0, 4, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a circular load with a 4 radius centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
TubeLoad(X, Y, widthX, widthY, thickness, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a widthX by widthY tube load centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | TubeLoad(0, 0, 2, 4, 0.5, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a 2 by 4 tube load centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
TubeLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, widthX, widthY, thickness, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a widthX by widthY tube load centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | TubeLoad("D", 0, 0, 2, 4, 0.5, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a 2 by 4 tube load centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
TubeLoad(X, Y, widthX, widthY, thickness, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a widthX by widthY tube load centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | TubeLoad(0, 0, 2, 4, 0.5, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a 2 by 4 tube load centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
TubeLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, distanceX, distanceY, thickness, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a widthX by widthY tube load centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | TubeLoad("D", 0, 0, 2, 4, 0.5, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a 2 by 4 tube load centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
RingLoad(X, Y, radius, thickness, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a ring load with a specified radius and thickness centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | RingLoad(0, 0, 4, 1, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a ring load with a 4 radius and 1 thickness centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
RingLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, radius, thickness, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a ring load with a specified radius and thickness centered at {X, Y} with a specified uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | RingLoad("D", 0, 0, 4, 1, -50, 10, 20) | Applies a ring load with a 4 radius and 1 thickness centered at {0, 0} with a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
RingLoad(X, Y, radius, thickness, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a ring load with a specified radius and thickness centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the current service case | RingLoad(0, 0, 4, 1, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a ring load with a 4 radius and 1 thickness centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the current service case | |
RingLoad(serviceCase, X, Y, radius, thickness, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a ring load with a specified radius and thickness centered at {X, Y} with a specified linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads in the defined service case | RingLoad("D", 0, 0, 4, 1, -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a ring load with a 4 radius and 1 thickness centered at {0, 0} with a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads in the "D" service case | |
LoadBoundary(uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the selected boundary in the current service case | LoadBoundary(-50, 10, 20) | Applies a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads to the selected boundary in the current service case | |
LoadBoundary(slab, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the specified boundary in the current service case | LoadBoundary("S1", -50, 10, 20) | Applies a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads to boundary S1 in the current service case | |
LoadBoundary(serviceCase, boundary, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the specified boundary in the defined service case | LoadBoundary("D", "S1", -50, 10, 20) | Applies a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads to boundary S1 in the "D" service case | |
LoadFullBoundary(uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the full boundary in the current service case | LoadFullBoundary(-50, 10, 20) | Applies a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads to the full boundary in the current service case | |
LoadFullBoundary(serviceCase, uniformPressure, MX, MY) | Applies a uniform pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the full boundary in the defined service case | LoadFullBoundary("D", -50, 10, 20) | Applies a -50 uniform pressure with 10 and 20 overturning loads to the full boundary in the "D" service case | |
LoadFullBoundary(startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the full boundary in the current service case | LoadFullBoundary(-50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads to the full boundary in the current service case | |
LoadFullBoundary(serviceCase, startPressure, endPressure, MX, MY, linearX) | Applies a linear pressure with MX and MY overturning loads to the full boundary in the defined service case | LoadFullBoundary("D", -50, -100, 10, 20, true) | Applies a -50 to -100 linear pressure in the X-direction with 10 and 20 overturning loads to the full boundary in the "D" service case | |
PointLoad(FZ, MX, MY) | Applies specified force and moments to the selected load point in the current service case | PointLoad(5, 100, 200) | Applies force and moments to the selected load point in the current service case | |
PointLoad(loadPoint, FZ, MX, MY) | Applies specified force and moments to the defined load point in the current service case | PointLoad("LP1", 5, 100, 200) | Applies forces and moments to load point "LP1" in the current service case | |
PointLoad(serviceCase, loadPoint, FZ, MX, MY) | Applies specified force and moments to the defined load point in the specified service case | PointLoad("D", "LP1", 5, 100, 200) | Applies forces and moments to load point "LP1" in the D service case | |
LoadLine(FZ, MX, MY, distributed = false, local = false) | Applies specified force and moments to the selected line stiffener in the current service case as a resultant or distributed load in the global or local direction | LoadLine(5, 100, 200) | Applies force and moments to the selected line stiffener in the current service case. The loads are applied as resultants in the global direction since "distributed" and "local" are false by default. | |
LoadLine(beam, FZ, MX, MY, distributed = false, local = false) | Applies specified force and moments to the defined line stiffener in the current service case as a resultant or distributed load in the global or local direction | LoadLine("LS1", 5, 100, 200, true, true) | Applies force and moments to line stiffener LS1 in the current service case. The loads are applied as distributed loads in the local direction. | |
LoadLine(serviceCase, beam, FZ, MX, MY, distributed = false, local = false) | Applies specified forces and moments to the defined line stiffener in the defined service case as a resultant or distributed load in the global or local direction | LoadLine("D", "LS1", 5, 100, 200, true, false) | Applies force and moments in the D service case to the line stiffener LS1 in the current service case. The loads are applied as distributed loads in the global direction. | |
ClearLoads() | Deletes all of the loads in the active service case | |||
ClearLoads(case) | Deletes all of the loads in the specified service case | ClearLoads("L") | Deletes all of the loads in the L service case | |
DeleteLoad(object) | Deletes the loads on a specified object in the active service case | DeleteLoad("ST1") | Deletes the wall loads on line stiffener ST1 in the active service case | |
DeleteLoad(case, object) | Deletes the loads on a specified object in the specified service case | DeleteLoad("L", "ST1") | Deletes the wall loads on line stiffener ST1 in the L service case | |
AddCustomCombo(name, comboType, (factor, case)[]) | Adds a custom load combination to the project | AddCustomCombo("D + 0.75L", "Allowable (ASD)", (1.0, "D"), (0.75, "L")) | Adds custom D + 0.75L Allowable (ASD) load combination | |
SetMeshCoarse() | Sets the Mesh Refinement to Coarse | |||
SetMeshMedium() | Sets the Mesh Refinement to Medium | |||
SetMeshFine() | Sets the Mesh Refinement to Fine | |||
SetMeshCustom(elementCount) | Sets the Mesh Refinement to User Defined and sets the Element Count to a specified value | SetMeshCustom(6000) | Sets the Mesh Refinement to User Defined and sets the Element Count to 6000 | |
SetEFactor(factor) | Sets the Concrete Elastic Modulus Factor in the project | SetEFactor(2) | Sets the Concrete Elastic Modulus Factor to 2 in the project | |
ThicknessOverlap(setting) | Changes the Thickness Overlap setting to the specified value | ThicknessOverlap("Smallest") | Changes the Thickness Overlap setting to Smallest Thickness | |
SetMaterial() | Opens the Material Database dialog box to select the concrete material that is used for the slabs and beams in the project | |||
SetMaterial(concrete) | Sets the concrete material that is used for the slabs and beams in the project | SetMaterial("Concrete (F'c = 3.5 ksi)") | Sets the concrete material that is used for the slabs and beams in the project to Concrete (F'c = 3.5 ksi) | |
Status(itemTitle) |
Returns the Project Status of the specified item. -1 = Failing 0 = Not found or not available 1 = Has a warning 2 = Ok |
Status("Analysis") | Returns the Project Status of the Analysis | |
Meshing() | Pauses the script until the meshing completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" | await Meshing(); | Pauses the external script until the meshing completes | |
Analysis() | Pauses the script until the analysis completes. Note: Only used for external scripts and must be preceded by "await" | await Analysis(); | Pauses the external script until the analysis completes | |
Results() | Returns a list of all the result cases in the project | Print(Results()) | Prints the list of all the result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
ServiceResults() | Returns a list of all the service result cases in the project | Print(ServiceResults()) | Prints the list of all the service result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
StrengthResults() | Returns a list of all the strength result cases in the project | Print(StrengthResults()) | Prints the list of all the strength result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
NoDesignResults() | Returns a list of all the no design result cases in the project | Print(NoDesignResults()) | Prints the list of all the no design result cases in the project in a comma-delimited format | |
SetVisibleRC(resultCase) | Sets the visible result case in the analysis results | SetVisibleRC("2. D+L") | Sets the visible result case in the analysis results to 2. D+L | |
Displacement(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases | Displacement(false) | Returns the minimum displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases | |
Displacement(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum displacement in the global Z-direction for the defined result case | Displacement("1. D", true) | Returns the maximum displacement in the in the global Z-direction for the "1. D" result case | |
Displacement(result, X, Y) | Returns the displacement in the global Z-direction at a specified location for the defined result case | Displacement("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the displacement in the global Z-direction at {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
ShearX(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) across all result cases | ShearX(false) | Returns the minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) across all result cases | |
ShearX(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) for the defined result case | ShearX("1. D", true) | Returns the maximum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) for the defined result case | |
ShearX(result, X, Y) | Returns the shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) at a specified location for the defined result case | ShearX("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) at {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
ShearY(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) across all result cases | ShearY(true) | Returns the maximum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) across all result cases | |
ShearY(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) for the defined result case | ShearY("1. D", false) | Returns the minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) for the "1. D" result case | |
ShearY(result, X, Y) | Returns the shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) at a specified location for the defined result case | ShearY("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) at {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
MomentX(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) across all result cases | MomentX(true) | Returns the maximum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) across all result cases | |
MomentX(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) for the defined result case | MomentX("1. D", false) | Returns the minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) for the "1. D" result case | |
MomentX(result, X, Y) | Returns the bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) at a specified location for the defined result case | MomentX("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) at {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
MomentY(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) across all result cases | MomentY(false) | Returns the minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) across all result cases | |
MomentY(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) for the defined result case | MomentY("1. D", true) | Returns the maximum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) for the "1. D" result case | |
MomentY(result, X, Y) | Returns the bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) at a specified location for the defined result case | MomentY("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) at a {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
MomentXY(max) | Returns the maximum or minimum twisting moment (MXY) across all result cases | MomentXY(true) | Returns the maximum twisting moment (MXY) across all result cases | |
MomentXY(result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum twisting moment (MXY) for the defined result case | MomentXY("1. D", false) | Returns the minimum twisting moment (MXY) for the ""1. D"" result case | |
MomentXY(result, X, Y) | Returns the twisting moment (MXY) at a specified location for the defined result case | MomentXY("2. D+L", 6, 12) | Returns the twisting moment (MXY) at a {6, 12} for the "2. D+L" result case | |
BoundaryDisplacement(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases for the specified Boundary | BoundaryDisplacement("B1", false) | Returns the minimum displacement in the global Z-direction across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryDisplacement(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum displacement in the global Z-direction for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryDisplacement("B1", "1. D", true) | Returns the maximum displacement in the in the global Z-direction for the "1. D" result case for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryShearX(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) across all result cases for the specified boundary | BoundaryShearX("B1", false) | Returns the minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryShearX(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryShearX("B1", "1. D", true) | Returns the maximum shear force that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (VX) for the defined result case for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryShearY(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) across all result cases for the specified boundary | BoundaryShearY("B1", true) | Returns the maximum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryShearY(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryShearY("B1", "1. D", false) | Returns the minimum shear force that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (VY) for the "1. D" result case for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryMomentX(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) across all result cases for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentX("B1", true) | Returns the maximum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryMomentX(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentX("B1", "1. D", false) | Returns the minimum bending moment that acts on the global X-face of the plate elements (MX) for the "1. D" result case for boundary b1 | |
BoundaryMomentY(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) across all result cases for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentY("B1", false) | Returns the minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryMomentY(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentY("B1", "1. D", true) | Returns the maximum bending moment that acts on the global Y-face of the plate elements (MY) for the "1. D" result case for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryMomentXY(boundary, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum twisting moment (MXY) across all result cases for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentXY("B1", true) | Returns the maximum twisting moment (MXY) across all result cases for boundary B1 | |
BoundaryMomentXY(boundary, result, max) | Returns the maximum or minimum twisting moment (MXY) for the defined result case for the specified boundary | BoundaryMomentXY("B1", "1. D", false) | Returns the minimum twisting moment (MXY) for the ""1. D"" result case for boundary B1 | |
PointSupportFZ(result, support) | Returns Force Z for the specified support for the specified result case | PointSupportFZ("1. 1.4D", "PS1") | Returns Force Z for point support PS1 for result case 1. 1.4D | |
PointSupportFZ(support, wantMax) | Returns the maximum or minimum Force Z for the specified point support | PointSupportFZ("PS1", true) | Returns the maximum Force Z for point support PS1 across all result cases | |
PointSupportMX(result, support) | Returns Moment X for the specified point support for the specified result case | PointSupportMX("1. 1.4D", "PS1") | Returns Moment X for point support PS1 for result case 1. 1.4D | |
PointSupportMX(support, wantMax) | Returns the maximum or minimum Moment X for the specified point support | PointSupportMX("PS1", true) | Returns the maximum Moment X for point support PS1 across all result cases | |
PointSupportMY(result, support) | Returns Moment Y for the specified point support for the specified result case | PointSupportMY("1. 1.4D", "PS1") | Returns Moment Y for point support PS1 for result case 1. 1.4D | |
PointSupportMY(support, wantMax) | Returns the maximum or minimum Moment Y for the specified point support | PointSupportMY("PS1", true) | Returns the maximum Moment Y for point support PS1 across all result cases | |
LineSupportForce(result, support) | Returns the force for the specified line support for the specified result case | LineSupportForce("1. 1.4D", "LS1") | Returns the force for line support LS1 for result case 1. 1.4D | |
LineSupportForce(support, wantMax) | Returns the maximum or minimum force for the specified line support | LineSupportForce("LS1", true) | Returns the maximum force for line support LS1 across all result cases | |
LineSupportMoment(result, support) | Returns the moment for the specified line support for the specified result case | LineSupportMoment("1. 1.4D", "LS1") | Returns the moment for line support LS1 for result case 1. 1.4D | |
LineSupportMoment(support, wantMax) | Returns the maximum or minimum moment for the specified line support | LineSupportMoment("LS1", true) | Returns the maximum moment for line support LS1 across all result cases | |
AddTable(title) | Adds a specified table to the report | AddTable("Plate Forces") | Adds the Plate Forces table to the report | |
SetTableWidth(title, fraction) | Sets the designated table's page width to the specified fraction | SetTableWidth("Vertices", 0.5) | Sets the Vertices table's page width to half | |
AddGraphicToReport(title) | Adds the current graphic window with a specified title to the report | AddGraphicToReport("Plate Analysis") | Adds the current graphic window with a title of "Plate Analysis" to the report | |
ExportReport(path) | Exports the report to a specified path | ExportReport("C:/Users/your.login/Desktop/Report.pdf") | Saves the report as a .pdf on the desktop for the specified user |