Refine Mesh |
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//Define and support a simple model. Then analyze and extract the max displacement. //The model is a rectangular plate with pinned support on the right and left sides. //The model is loaded with a uniform pressure. SetUnits("Kips & Inches"); ClearLoads(); DeleteAll(); //define the model parameters var height = 12; var width = 24; var thickness = 0.25; var material = "ASTM A36"; var pressure = 100/12.0/12.0/1000; //100 psf //build the model var p1 = new Location(width/2, height/2); var p2 = new Location(-width/2, height/2); var p3 = new Location(-width/2, -height/2); var p4 = new Location(width/2, -height/2); var boundary = AddBoundary(p1, p2, p3, p4); Thickness(boundary, thickness); SetMaterial(material); //support the model var s1 = AddLineSupport(p4, p1); PinLineSupport(s1); var s2 = AddLineSupport(p3, p2); PinLineSupport(s2); //load the model LoadBoundary(boundary, -pressure, 0, 0); //mesh refinement would need to be checked, not included here for simplicity //see the RefineMesh script for an example of that process. SetMeshFine(); await Analysis(); var disp = Displacement(false); //Print out the displacement $"Delta = {disp:f4}" |