The following items are owned by IES, Inc. Most have been in use since 1994.
Trademark or Servicemark | Description |
Design Your Next Project in Minutes SM | Ad slogan |
IES ShapeBuilder ™ | Software product for calculation of geometric properties |
Friendly structural software, designed for your success.SM | Ad slogan |
Software for the way you work SM | Ad slogan |
Solve Your Next Problem in Minutes SM | Ad slogan |
IES QuickConcreteWall ™ | Software product for the design of concrete walls |
IES QuickFooting ™ | Software product for the design of concrete footings |
IES QuickMasonry ™ | Software product for the design masonry components |
IES QuickRWall ™ | Software product for the design of retaining walls |
Intuitive Software for Structural Engineering SM | Tag line |
Model + Load + Analyze + Design + Report + Succeed! SM | Ad slogan, product tag line. |
Quality Software for the Structural Engineer SM | Ad slogan |
Transparent Reporting SM | Method used in Quick products to document all checks |
Quick. Easy. Versatile. SM | Ad slogan |
IES VisualFoundation ™ | Software product for the design of complex mat footings |
IES VisualAnalysis ™ | Software product for the analysis of just about anything |
IES VARevitLink ™ | Software product linking VisualAnalysis to Autodesk Revit® |
IES VAConnect ™ | Software product for steel connection design. |
IES ConcreteBending ™ | Software product for concrete wall and slab analysis and design. |
IES ConcreteSection ™ | Software product for cracked reinforced concrete analysis |
IES LoadHelper ™ | Software utility to create and organize ASCE 7 loads for dead, live, wind, and seismic. |