IES ConcreteBending User's Guide
Release History


  • Version 7.0 released September 2023
  • Version 6.0 released November 2021
  • Version 5.0 released November 2018
  • Version 4.0 released October 2017 - First version, built on VisualPlate 3.0 features

Scripts & Command Line

  • Command Line is a powerful new way to drive the program:
    • Definite slabs, beams, point supports, line supports etc.
    • Apply loads to regions, load points, and beams
    • Adjust the analysis settings
    • Extract plate results (displacements, shears, moments, etc.)
    • Add tables to report and export reports
  • External Script files can automate common tasks and much more:
    • Generate boundaries, apply loads, extract results
    • Refine the mesh until model converges
    • Perform model optimization

New Design Specifications

  • ACI 318-19
  • ACI 350-20
  • CSA A23.3:19

Other Features

  • Plate design diagrams
  • Query plate results at a specified location
  • Beam loads remain constant when switching between resultant to distributed loads
  • Table of Contents report table
  • Loaded Area information added to Area Uniform Loads tab in the Find Tool
  • Updated Microsoft .NET framework for features and performance

Key Features

  • Slab's mesh can be refined at load point and point support locations
  • Punching shear reinforcement can be specified

Other Features

  • Improved Design Rebar Patterns dialog that retains rebar patterns
  • Plate result diagram overhaul
  • Program ensures area loads are properly modeled before starting the analysis
  • The number of shear legs can be specified for beams
  • Improved filtering of table extremes
  • Justification can be specified for report tables
  • Improved drawing grids
  • Improved the performance of generated loads

Fixes & Minor Changes

  • Improved Help File documentation
  • Crash recovery file improvements
  • Fixed concrete preferences
  • Fixed point support size reporting error


  • Graphic wire frame in picture view mode
  • Project Manager: Categories remember last open/collapsed state
  • Project Manager: drop-lists are activated by clicking anywhere, not just on arrow
  • Improved warning message formatting
  • Improved Print Preview display for graphics
  • Column-line graphics are "filtered" to avoid clutter
  • Improved area load graphics with shaded tops
  • Graphics performance is up to 20x faster
  • Removed 'memory leaks', which slowed program over time


  • Ability to override punching perimeter
  • Ability to insert a vertex along an area side
  • DXF import shows bounds and an option for centering at the origin
  • Polygon boundary defined by side length in addition to radius


  • Ability to move area loads by side coordinates
  • Beam loads can now be applied relative to wall orientation (parallel and perpendicular)
  • Multiple selection in Load Case Manager


  • Line supports now insert a "drilling" spring support
  • Individual service cases can be analyzed
  • Analysis is now 12% faster


  • Canadian CSA A23.3-14 specification for slabs and beams
  • ACI 350-06 Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures for slabs
  • Slab reinforcement may be specified (rather than patterns to search/check)
  • Distinct slab design parameters for each slab-boundary
  • Filter beam design results graphically by limit state
  • Plate design checks are 1.5x faster


  • Name filters are now enabled for both graphic and report filters
  • Unavailable tables shown disabled with reason for not being available
  • Table drop position used to locate when adding new tables in Text Reports
  • Full report can now have categories filtered (model, loads, results, design, graphics)
  • Flexure and Shear Design Report Tables now include key intermediate design details

Built on the concrete design module of VisualPlate 3.0


  • 64-bit implementation, no more out-of-memory issues
  • Multiple-threaded architecture uses all processor cores
  • New UI, Ribbon toolbar, consistent with other IES tools
  • 3D model/viewing (ctrl+mouse wheel or click the cube)
  • Preference settings (fonts, colors, sizes, options, etc.)
  • History Flies (automatic daily backups of a project-file, see preferences)
  • Your Logo in a Text Report (see preferences)


  • No merge/intersection necessary for concrete boundaries
  • Easier to edit
  • Automatic split/connect meshing for crossing or overlapping line supports, beams
  • Control over overlapping concrete thicknesses
  • DXF import has insertion point so huge coordinate files can be moved.


  • Implements ASCE 7 load combinations
  • More Direct full-boundary loading


  • Automated behind-the-scenes
  • Much faster analysis (using all processor cores)
  • Accurate results


  • Implements ACI 318-14 specification
  • Beam design, limit states and unity check
  • Concrete boundary reinforcing design
  • Custom detailing regions
  • One-way and two-way punching shear calculations


  • Powerful Report Viewer
  • Many tables and options
  • Saved reports in project files
  • Paste graphics into reports
  • Complete project report
  • Predefined, customizable reports