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Sweet Benefits

IES offers three bundled product options with these advantages.

  • Save 15-25%
  • Simplify management with just one license
  • One annual payment for all products
  • Leverage product integration

Buy Now

TS TotalSuite

Every IES product. If we add a new one and your license is active, you get it too.

BS BuildingSuite

Our most popular and versatile products for the analysis and design of buildings and other structures.

QS QuickSuite

Practical, economical, and specific tools for detailed design of concrete and masonry components. Reports like hand calculations.

Tilt-Up construction

Product Integration

IES products play nicely with Windows and can export graphics to the clipboard, or text reports to various file formats like PDF, text, or Excel. They can also work together in the following ways.

VA VisualAnalysis

SB ShapeBuilder

  • Imports/Exports shape geometry with CAD, STEP/IGES, Text
  • Exports custom shapes as member elements in VisualAnalysis
  • Customize the IES shape database

VF VisualFoundation

  • Imports/Exports model geometry with CAD
  • Exports column loads to VAConnect, for steel base plate design